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Locking wheel nut Gen 2

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  • Locking wheel nut Gen 2


    Just a quick one to see if anyone has a surplus locking nut I can stick on my spare? I will post a picture later when I get a second but the other four have the rounded type teeth parts to allow the key socket to slot over if that makes sense?!

    I've looked on EBay but I'm not certain of them matching up and I'd prefer not to buy 5 new ones so if anyone is breaking a 95 Surf please let me know,



  • #2
    You are going to be extremely lucky to get a 2nd hand locking nut to match the one's currently on your truck as there are thousands of combinations out there.

    the best option you have is to either contact the manufacturer of your existing set and request a replacement to match from them, or go out and buy a new set of five and then sell yours on as a set of 4.

    Have to be honest though I've only ever seen them sold as sets of four, but am willing to be proved wrong on this


    • #3
      Point taken, I thought with Surfs being broken spares would exist and if you don't ask you don't get!!!
      For interest this is what mine looks like if it rings any bells.
      Thanks for responding,
      Attached Files

