I have 4 on my truck, would like one as a spare as my current spare looks crap, it's the original, and isn't even the right size.
Some piccies to help if anyone notices one on a search one day, they're like sodding gold dust I think.

(^This wheel is actually silver all over, just a bit muddy)

(That says 7J and offset is -13)
It's made by 'BERG' and is a 15" rim, Can't even seem to get hold of one through a Japanese importer. Found a set on ebay a while back but someone had tried to colour them in by the looks of it so I left them.
Cheers people
Some piccies to help if anyone notices one on a search one day, they're like sodding gold dust I think.

(^This wheel is actually silver all over, just a bit muddy)

(That says 7J and offset is -13)
It's made by 'BERG' and is a 15" rim, Can't even seem to get hold of one through a Japanese importer. Found a set on ebay a while back but someone had tried to colour them in by the looks of it so I left them.
Cheers people
