been advised diaphragm that operates wastegate on turbo wrecked
do you have this bit?
If so a price including postage to sunny fortwilliam PH33 6XB would be most appreciated: will take the turbo too if you have it.
Just to be clear the diaphragm and arm are the bit numbered 17230a in the tech site page :[Bhttp://toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/turboremoveinstall.htm[/B]
been advised diaphragm that operates wastegate on turbo wrecked

If so a price including postage to sunny fortwilliam PH33 6XB would be most appreciated: will take the turbo too if you have it.
Just to be clear the diaphragm and arm are the bit numbered 17230a in the tech site page :[Bhttp://toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/turboremoveinstall.htm[/B]