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LN130 7 seat conversion

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  • LN130 7 seat conversion

    Any info on options of fitting two extra seats in the boot area of my LN130 surf. I don't want to buy a people carrier out of principal!! I know the genuine article is very rare so I could do with some advice if there is another way of fitting all of my kids legally in my truck.

  • #2
    only ever seen one 7 seated surf on here, or anywhere else for that matter.

    If it's what you've got your heart set on, then it's either down to you to make a conversion from another car fit, something like http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...m=320252601807 ,or maybe a volvo or any other estate really, if the width between the wheel arches is close to or slightly larger than the surfs it will help.

    Or try somewhere like www.luxury7.co.uk

    In either case i would check the legality of it, the least you'll have to do is inform your insurance company, but you may have to have a new SVA test or something done to inspect the quality of the seat and belt installation to keep it legal and safe. And get your log books changed to show 7 seats instead of 5.

    Personally, i'd say probably the cheaper, and if i'm honest the more sensible option is to look into changing vehicles. If you don't want people carrier then look at a 4x4 with a taller cabin area, which would take a 7 seat conversion better.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Thanks for reply nero. Given me some things to consider.Guppy

