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Load space cover

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  • Load space cover

    Hi Guys,

    I am a new member to this site even though i have regularly used it for reference, and wanna firstly say thanks to everyone who has posted all of the really useful stuff that has made owning and running my surf much easier! I am (once again) the proud owner of a 2nd gen 2.4td auto surf, i previously owned the same car but had to downsize, couldn't live without her and have bought her back, so this is my second chance to do all the things i wanted to the first time but never got the chance!

    I'm starting with the interior, which is by no means shabby but could do with the few finishing touches she is missing, i'm starting off with a small ask..... does anyone know where i can buy a boot cover? as you m ay have guessed, i have lots of things i want to do to her, but am starting off small!

    any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, i'm planning on capping tghe EGR valve at the weekend,. so i may be back on begging for mercy and advice!

    yours will go fast, Mine will go anywhere!