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Looking for Inclinometer!

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  • Looking for Inclinometer!

    I'm looking for a Inclinometer/Altimeter/Tiltmeter from a 90-95 Hilux Surf/4Runner for my 91 Surf. I have a friend in Wales who can pick it up. My Spending budget is only 25-30 pounds or $50us. I would prefer it to be Grey but i'll take any colour.
    1991 TOYOTA Hilux Surf SSR-G 3.0
    年のトヨタ|NEVER QUIT

  • #2
    They tend to end up selling for a bomb mate! nearly double your budget. Keep an eye out on ebay.co.uk.


    • #3
      To be honest, with that budget you got next to no chance looking for a genuine Toyota job.

      If you can raise your budget, search fleabay with worldwide selected, there's a couple of grey ones on now.



      Theres a few here if you can sweet talk then to ship here

      I know they are more expensive than you got, but these things are like rocking horse droppings !!
      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        I was hoping that i would be lucky enough to find one cheaper. That is what they sell for here. Everyone here in North America gets their Inclinometer from Japan so we always end up paying a bundle. But there is still hope i can find one cheap from a nice guy willing to sell it for 25-30pounds.
        1991 TOYOTA Hilux Surf SSR-G 3.0
        年のトヨタ|NEVER QUIT


        • #5
          There is on on ebay now but it now price £18.99

