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three point belts please

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  • three point belts please

    hi anyone got some rear three point belts i can fit in my second gen 89 surf?? just need to get it sorted so i dont have to keep sorting the lap straps out for the kids! oh and they would be a bit safer lol. And i cant really afford the £75 from roughtrax for one!!! dam christmas!

    Thanks for looking and any help given
    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4

  • #2
    Whilst new one's might be a bit pricey, especially with christmas looming, its still a small price to put on your kids safety. I would never recomend fitting 2nd hand seatbelts. If you do have to fit 2nd hand ones, try to ensure they have come from a vehicle s$$$$ped due to rust or mechanical disrepair, never from a crashed one, as if the belts were in use at the time of the crash they may already have been subjected to undue strain.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


    • #3
      never though of that, thanks for the advice will have to look into it after crimbo
      it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4

