2.4TD Auto Oct 1992
Has anyone got the following parts needing a good home?
1. Passenger side front sidelight. I need the complete item, lense, reflector, chrome trim and sealing rubber. See the pic. NOTE: I have ordered one from Milners, cost £30 plus postage etc, I just hope it is the right one!!
2. Ashtray drawer from a blue interior? - Still required!!!
Rob G
wibblywobbly has attached the following image(s):
<A href="http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/Forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=14 81&stc=1&thumb=1" target=_blank>
Has anyone got the following parts needing a good home?

1. Passenger side front sidelight. I need the complete item, lense, reflector, chrome trim and sealing rubber. See the pic. NOTE: I have ordered one from Milners, cost £30 plus postage etc, I just hope it is the right one!!
2. Ashtray drawer from a blue interior? - Still required!!!
Rob G
wibblywobbly has attached the following image(s):
<A href="http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/Forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=14 81&stc=1&thumb=1" target=_blank>