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Manchester Toy Town

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  • Manchester Toy Town

    This is a tilt-shift image, taken from Manchester Eye.

  • #2
    Excellent.....did you take it as a tilt shift or use Photoshop to modify it??


    • #3
      I used Photoshop; have you seen the price of a proper tilt-shift lens? You could get a new Surf for the same money! There's another version here where I've masked out the top of the hotel and the church (because of where they are, both buildings should be wholly in focus) before applying the filter but the top of the church spires came out too "hard". I'm still messing with it, though...


      • #4
        Originally posted by MadcapMagician View Post
        I used Photoshop; have you seen the price of a proper tilt-shift lens? You could get a new Surf for the same money! There's another version here where I've masked out the top of the hotel and the church (because of where they are, both buildings should be wholly in focus) before applying the filter but the top of the church spires came out too "hard". I'm still messing with it, though...
        Yep, not cheap are they! I think I'll have a play with PS to see what I can do with some of my landscapes.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sir Plug View Post
          Yep, not cheap are they! I think I'll have a play with PS to see what I can do with some of my landscapes.....
          Do a search for Photoshop scripts. I'm damned if I can remember where I got mine from but it's a tilt-shift script that you install into PS, open up your image, hit F9 (or F11 LOL can't remember) and run the script. The only thing you have to do is select which part of the image will be in focus and Photoshop does the rest!

          EDIT: Found it at atncentral.com. Searching for "Photoshop scripts" was wrong - I found it under "Topaz presets"....Here's a direct link to the zip file.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MadcapMagician View Post
            Do a search for Photoshop scripts. I'm damned if I can remember where I got mine from but it's a tilt-shift script that you install into PS, open up your image, hit F9 (or F11 LOL can't remember) and run the script. The only thing you have to do is select which part of the image will be in focus and Photoshop does the rest!

            EDIT: Found it at atncentral.com. Searching for "Photoshop scripts" was wrong - I found it under "Topaz presets"....Here's a direct link to the zip file.
            Cheers for that!

