Here's a few picks of a few Surfs, a Cruiser and a Rangie out and about mid Scotland yesterday.
I drove the 3.5 hours home like a madmman, full tank of deisel used up in about 180 miles and it never missed a beat. That's after a 12 hour drive to and around Scotland. Hardly saw less than 90 mph on the way home and funny enough near the end, the performance actually improved. Air temperature I think ? Had to slow myself down as I bottled it after 101
I drove the 3.5 hours home like a madmman, full tank of deisel used up in about 180 miles and it never missed a beat. That's after a 12 hour drive to and around Scotland. Hardly saw less than 90 mph on the way home and funny enough near the end, the performance actually improved. Air temperature I think ? Had to slow myself down as I bottled it after 101
