the difference between public byway and a public highway? round here in Herts, the public byways open to all traffic are signed with red arrows, but i have found a few rutted tracks that look like they have recently been driven that are sign posted with a white arrow on green background that say public highway. Obviously I don't want to fall foul of any laws, wondering if any of you guys can shed any light.
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does anyone know?
dont know if this will help? but green or red crosses are byway roads so you can drive on
(1) Byway open to all traffic (BOAT)
(2) Restricted Byway.
This is described as being on foot on horseback leading a horse cycling and for any vehicle other than mechanically propelled
i have fell sort of the law once or twice but its maily down to the wrong signe post or no signe at all but there are laws about difining your boundary line
or putting signes were they can be seen
so if you do find your self in a stickle make sure they have it signed properly and boundary lines are difinedif they are your in the wrong
if it looks privert land it proberly is only go were you know you should be not die lex sick its you that cant read mate