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Wales - A Slight Return - The Pics

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  • Wales - A Slight Return - The Pics

    Had a great weekend out and have to say a "BIG" thanks to The Lovely Boyo for organising yet another cracking set of lanes.

    Only managed to get a few pics, not so easy when your the driver and photographer but here's a few of samples.

    Got a little narrow for a certain Fat Boy Gin Palace at the beginning

    As you can see here

    Weather was absolutely cracking

    Pete going thorough 1st of the Bomb holes we found

    All the rest can be found Here including a small video of Rob going through a little water

  • #2
    Great weekend

    Travelling down wasn’t too bad, its just when we got to the Welsh side of the M4 there was this breakdown blocking the carriageway that seemed to take forever to clear.
    I know you shouldn’t get out and take snaps on the motorway but I thought I’d chance it this time;

    Fortunately the recovery company despatched their heavy wrecker to get things on the move again;

    Eventually we arrived at the Hotel we had booked. It had stunning views across the valleys and fresh air permeated every room. It was such a brilliant location. But when we asked at reception they said that they didn’t have a Tennis pitch, so we couldn’t really have stayed there;

    The next day we all went for a quick skinny dip, it was really refreshing

    But someone always has to take things too far and start making waves, so inconsiderate;

    We all had no choice but to get back out of the river and dry our boots off.

    Because we were all so distracted by the shameful splashing no one was looking where we were going and eventually the drivers had to stop and have a meeting to decide where on earth we were

    It wasn’t long after that Rob met a nice looking local. They exchanged phone numbers and i think she’s arranged to be dinner next week.

    After a long day off on the tracks we slipped back on to the main road to head for camp;

    The traffic was horrendous, bumper to bumper the whole way

    Around every corner there was just jam after jam

    Dam it! I proclaimed at the top of my voice.
    But after a while we pulled of the main road into a side street

    But as ever someone had to be messing about

    Thankfully the tree lined avenue into the campsite was a tarmac road

    And much drinking was done that night, hooray!

    Thank you for the great weekend, nice country, nice group of people 


    • #3
      looks superb.......

      I'll be on the next one again....
      Picking up my sensible car 2mo....
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        Looks like you had a good few days, Sam I am lovin the lil story.

        Andy (Growler) considerin you were drivin' you took a fair amount of pics.
        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


        • #5
          Yeah, it was a great weekend. Nice pics Sam!

          When 'spanners' burns the pics to a CD I'll post up some of ours.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Growler - some great pics there.

            Sam - funny as f***! I love that pic of the trees going into Clearwen - could be California lol

            The rest of you - get the pics up ASAP, pls
            Another member of the 'A' team


            • #7
              I thought the fords on the A40 were a bit harsher than you mentioned

              Also we missed a couple of junctions because we couldnt get the jist of the signs

              The only thing that was wrong with that trip was that it wasnt a week long, you did a cracking job.... trashing your truck so we diddnt have to trash our own demonstrated serious dedication, i'd deffinately trust you leading for a week.


              • #8
                Thanks Boyo and Peter for another great weekend

                Thanks for the roll of stickers Apache, they mean so much to Christopher you would not believe and Joker thanks for feeding him

                Nice to see old and new folks a like.

                I did not get many photos but a few are here.

                All of them are here Link
                Last edited by 24Seven; 15 June 2009, 18:57.
                I Love Wales

