anyone up for more fun at Bala a week tomorrow?
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Bala offroad
well it would be rude not too! hill and ditch is on the same day was thinking of going there but if there is a crowd at bala then prob head there instead. try not to roll it this time in the woods!
have beaten the front wing out still a bit creased but alot better that it was!
Originally posted by dannyboy77 View Posthi chaps dont think i will be coming tomorrow too much on 'unfinshed chors' around the house.
well i dont think you will get sun burnt in your 118 shirt tomrrow john!
there will be a next time (providing i don't break the disco to much)Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell
good job you didnt come coz it was wet and slippy, well thats my excuse as i have snapped a 2 day old shock, dislocated 1 spring damaged all panels apart from bonnet, wrecked both sills and smashed 1 alpine roof window and dented the roof all this was done on one 20 meter section. cannt wait till next timeSurf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell
looks like fun, dunno if id have the balls to push the truck that far. I keep telling myself its a 'toy' but the gauze scratches bother me..never mind bent bitsmaybe i should bite the bullet an roll it like going back