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Suggestions sent to GLASS - finally got around to it

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  • Suggestions sent to GLASS - finally got around to it

    After our earlier discussion on here about GLASS, I finally got my thoughts down in a slightly more readable format and with a bit more added. Sent to some members of their board and put on their forum this morning so will be interesting to see the response I get. I'll post anything here.

    Main change since last time is I ma naged to speak to the campaign manager at at the Campaign to Protect Rural England who has said they may be up for partnering with GLASS as part of their current anti-litter campaign which is cool.

    Heres my mail. Its long so if you're going to read it get a cup of tea or failing that a pillow.


    I joined GLASS a short while ago and would like to say thank you for the work you do. It is clear that there are many people trying to close our rights of way across the country so a common voice to rally behind is invaluable.

    Having worked in the charity sector for most of my working life I do understand that it is hard to have an effective PR and media function on a limited budget and have to say that before actively asking about greenlaning and relevant organizations I had never heard of GLASS but I had certainly heard of the anti groups who seem to shout a lot louder. This is no fault of the organization and is often the case in these situations but I think it could be different.

    My professional background is within senior marketing, PR and fundraising roles within the charity sector and I now do some consultancy work for various charities across these areas. I had a few thoughts about how you could increase your membership and therefore your income and also how you could increase the value of your brand with the general public. Apologies if you are doing/planning some or all of these ideas as I am only working with my own impression of GLASS and that of the small groups I have spoken to.

    Obviously membership is very important for you and so far the main way I have noticed people hear about you is on the online 4x4 forums I am a member of. For example, if a new forum member asks for advice on greenlaning someone may write a post advising the new member to join GLASS. This certainly makes people think, but to truly make people wish to join they would need to see a benefit of membership. At the moment it seems that one of the main benefits is that you fight on our behalf to keep greenlaning alive and be the voice of the greenlaning community but this can be a difficult sell to someone who has never heard of you before and who cannot easily see examples of activity.

    The power of forums as a communication, marketing and membership sales tool.

    Internet forums are a huge and active part of the current community of 4x4 users and I’m sure that most of your area reps and indeed your members are members of at least one forum each (additionally to the GLASS forum)

    Would it be an idea to ask each of your area representatives to:
    1. Make themselves known as a GLASS rep to their forum (or to join one if not already a member)
    2. Include this fact in their signature on the forum
    3. Be your voice on that forum.
    This would give you an easy, immediate and free route to your existing membership and potential members.

    For instance, the recent Top Gear showing their handbrake turn, high revs version of greenlaning generated a huge amount of comment on the forums, with hundreds of people expressing their disgust, uploading copies of letters of complaint to the BBC, their response from the BBC and giving their personal views on how this will ‘fuel the fire’ of the anti’s. GLASS however seemed from what I saw to remain fairly silent (though I guess this may not have been the case).
    In terms of the forums, if you contacted each of your forum reps and emailed them an official letter that they could copy on to the forum stating for example, GLASS opinion on the piece, what GLASS were planning on doing in response and suggestions on how their members/other 4x4 users could respond (i.e. a pre-written letter/email of complaint making it easy for large numbers to copy and paste their details and send it on) This sort of action would a) make people see that you are an active organization and b) would encourage a lot of people to join you.
    It may also be a good idea to do similar updates like this via email to all your existing members.
    Campaigning organizations like Greenpeace use this sort of email and forum mobilisation to great effect.

    Such a negative piece, like that on Top Gear can also be a great way to generate positive publicity by responding to the press as an interested stakeholder in greenlaning.

  • #2
    ooops text too long so had to go to two posts


    They could also let forum members know about the discount from Adrian Flux offered to members. Your membership fee is sometimes balked at as the benefits are not seen. Conversely when insurance is brought up, the most common insurer mentioned is Adrian Flux. If your reps each had ‘Up to 15% reduction on Adrian Flux insurance with GLASS membership’ as part of their forum signature this would be a great selling tool and the saving would cover most peoples membership fee.

    Making the use of your members
    It would seem from your forum and the turn out on your work days etc that the membership you do have do, as I do, feel very strongly about supporting the work and the sentiment of GLASS but some may not see how they can due to not being able to attend meetings or not being physically able to attend work days. It may be a good idea to let members know that there are lots of other ways to support GLASS i.e.
    • Through their professional skills. Like I am, using their professional knowledge to add expertise to GLASS whether it be marketing, web editing and optimization, PR networks or whatever.
    • Seeing the value of their network i.e. those with 4x4 community links or 4x4 related businesses may know who to speak to in these companies who would like to sponsor GLASS activities or signs to be erected after GLASS work days i.e. ‘This byway is maintained by the Greenlane association (GLASS) volunteers for the benefit of all users whether propelled by foot, hoof, two wheels or four.’
    • Seeing the value of their local network i.e. members may have links to their local council or press and could influence from within giving a human face to those who use vehicles to enjoy our rights of way.

    There are probably a great deal of people willing to put time in to a cause that they know is relevant to their future enjoyment of a pastime they spend hours every week doing. All it needs quite often is for a list of possible ways to get involved to be sent out that they may not have thought about. Suddenly you may find out that your membership has a much more diverse range of ways to add value to their association.

    Its clear that with greenlaning as with many things there is a minority who spoil it for the majority i.e. those people who go off the lanes/drive them when they are sodden and likely to get chewed up/ leave torn off bits of their vehicle lying around/ drive aggressively past other byway users etc.
    GLASS have a code of conduct and do advise evidence being gathered about any incidences such as this but the general public don’t know this..

    What if GLASS really pushed this active 'preservation of ancient byways' as being your 'unique selling point'? All members could be asked to ensure that they are aware of the codes of conduct and that they also have the number of the area rep so if they see any 'live' instances of lane misuse they can photograph it (if possible) and report it there and then to their area rep who has a specific contact within the local police who can (if they decide to) send out a car to grab the offender at then end of the lane.
    I'm not saying this would a) happen often or b) the police would carry it out but then the onus of inaction would be on them and GLASS would have been seen to have done their bit.

    If this could be coupled with the fact that ‘GLASS members are tasked with 'maintaining the ancient integrity of the lanes for all users’ i.e. a vehicle can carry the tools to remove overhanging branches, has the capacity to move fallen trees from blocking the byway, spades for filling in ruts, space to take litter/ fly tipping away etc. etc. therefore preserving the access to the byway for walkers, cyclists, horseriders and other users'
    GLASS could throw in some rudimentary guidelines about how to do this 'responsible clearing' i.e. don’t disturb birds nests, chop down protected trees, pick wild orchids etc. etc.

    If GLASS played it right and positioned yourselves as a membership organisation for creating a group of responsible users tasked with maintaining the byway network for all users and cracking down on irresponsible users. You could look towards calling your members something like ‘Byway Wardens’ giving them a bodywork sticker to match to display on their vehicle and really try to show that we are not only responsible in that we don’t damage the byways but that we also try and prevent others from doing so.

    Taking it further you could approach countryside related organisations like the Campaign to Protect Rural England etc. as even if just one of them agreed to support GLASS in what you were doing it would give you a lot more clout with the anti groups and with the press. (for instance the campaign to protect Rural Englands current president the author Bill Bryson is campaigning about the problem of litter in the countryside as being one of the main problems with our countryside http://www.cpre.org.uk/home)

    Could you even organise a sponsored litter pick or something similar? – i.e. mobilize all the GLASS members to do a sponsored litter pick/ (maybe combined with the lane maintenance days you already run) greenlane outing, with all proceeds going to CPRE’s coffers for their litter campaign. I guess it would be great if you could also include cyclists, walkers and horseriders and all who use the byway network on the outing with the 4x4’s being used as the litter/tools/tea/first aid kit transport for the day. Even if you just got the 4x4 community to get anyone they know with a bike, or horse to come along it would make for some great pictures for you to use for PR.

    Also it would be great to draw attention to the fact that 4x4’s are pretty much the only way that wheelchair users, disabled individuals and the elderly can get out to enjoy the length of Britains byways as they have every right to whether as passengers or drivers.

    Thinking more generally, GLASS could even go so far as approaching some of the anti groups and asking if they have any members who would consider buying a greenlane friendly vehicle (Whatever the most ‘green’ one is) and joining GLASS to fight those that abuse the byways! Again they probably won’t, but just the act of inviting them could put them on the back foot and maybe make them view GLASS as a different animal whereas at the moment most antis will see you as being the voice of the mad/damaging/murdering/environment-hating 4x4 driving fiend.


    Positioning yourselves very strongly as ‘byway wardens/maintenance’ etc would also make GLASS position even stronger with councils who probably don’t want to spend any money maintaining byways for walkers/horses/cyclists/vehicles or anyone if they can avoid it and would probably welcome an organisation that took some of this burden away from them. At the moment, even if they TRO the lanes they must still maintain them for other users. If they know that by TRO’ing them they will be removing the one group of users who actually reduce the amount of funds and time the councils have to commit to them, they may think twice.

    As I said bear in mind here I’m trying to see this all from the negative image we have from the antis and from all those that are anti by default i.e. a lot of the general public, walkers, cyclists etc. etc. who will all say ‘yep that’s probably a good idea’ if it is ever suggested to shut all BOATs to any sort of vehicular traffic.

    I am not trying to introduce GLASS byway Nazi’s to police the greenlanes but as a group of people who internally condemn those who to destroy the lanes, it wouldn’t hurt to let the outside world know that that’s the case too. If the occasional report goes in to the police it will show GLASS members as caring about the lanes and if the police don’t act on it then maybe the anti’s may focus a bit more on them and less on us law-abiding, greenlane code following bunch of shiny (muddy) people we really are. Also I’m not trying to pander to the anti’s more just give them a real picture of the majority of greenlane users who appreciate the same(ish) things that they do (albeit with air-con). I’m guessing that a lot of the passive antis aren’t even aware that byways are roads just without tarmac.

    Wouldn’t it be great to have a bodywork sticker GLASS members receive when joining that reads ‘byway warden’ to be displayed on the bonnet whilst laning and actually being welcomed by other byway users, rather than receiving the dirty looks I’m guessing we are all used to?

    Just a thought.
    Or two.

    I’m happy to come and meet up with you if it would be of any help to discuss any of the above.

    Since writing the above I managed to arrange speaking to the campaign manager at the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) through a work contact.
    CPRE are looking at doing a lot of partnership working as part of their current litter campaign, for instance they are currently talking to the Highways Agency to try and combat littering on motorways and roads.
    I mentioned to her about my idea for GLASS meeting up to discuss a partnership and she thought this would be a good idea- they believe strongly in partnerships if there can be a positive outcome. They are particularly working towards working with partners who can take some responsibility for the future upkeep of those areas discussed (which if GLASS members are tasked with clearing litter etc. shouldn’t pose a problem?)
    When I asked who GLASS would need to speak to on this subject she said that it was her. Which is handy.
    She asked if GLASS could phone her if they were interested and that she should be fine to meet up to discuss.
    I’m happy to be involved if it would help at all, otherwise I can just do a preparatory call to introduce whichever GLASS representative will be getting in touch

    Yours sincerely



    • #3
      Blimey, responses already. All good so far.


      Not sure if you can access without membership so I'l try and paste here:

      Hi Paul,

      Firstly can I say thank you for that message.
      I am on holiday at the moment and only have mobile phone internet access and have no access to emails (due to the amount that I receive) so if no one picks this up in the meantime I will when I get back home after the Bank Holiday.

      We have many of your points in hand and we are trying to put them in motion. Your route may be an easier route than the one we are currently taking. The Lengthsman scheme is one of them.

      I can't do you message justice here with a full reply but will comment further as soon as I am able.

      It is heartening to see someone take the time out to put this sort of thing together.

      Thanks again.
      I'm sure we can work with your ideas/thoughts.

      Ed Cairns
      GLASS IT Officer
      Area Rep Meeting Coordinator and Area Rep Support.
      WMT Member
      Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire South Pub meet last Friday of the month.
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      Member of Executive

      Joined: 07 Mar 2005
      Posts: 39

      PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:51 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
      Thanks for that Paul.

      There are some interesting points and I've taken the liberty of forwarding it to all GLASS Exec members.

      If you want to discuss it face-to-face then I suggest that the upcoming AGM would be an ideal venue. We'd be glad to meet you.

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      Tony F
      Member of Executive

      Joined: 05 Aug 2005
      Posts: 454
      Location: Hertfordshire / Bedfordshire Border

      PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:22 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

      As GLASS Press and Communications Officer a lot of your points end up in my "in tray".

      And I agree with most of them! Unfortunately I do also have a day job, so I am on here during my lunch break and can't really respond properly. Please be assured I will have a good read through and post something later when I have some time.

      Tony Ferrari

      GLASS Press Officer
      Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Rep.
      Member of Hertfordshire LAF

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      Member of Executive

      Joined: 08 Apr 2005
      Posts: 191
      Location: Gloucester

      PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:25 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
      Hi Paul
      I have received this message as an email from you and have replied to you this morning.
      As I said in my email, I've passed on your ideas to Dave Codrai, Tony Ferrari and Duncan Green for their actions.

      Anything I can do in the meantime, just ask

      I have included all the details of the AGM in my reply email.

      Maybe you could consider the Commercial Officers post which is currently vacant? You never know
      All the best
      Esther Bourne
      GLASS Company Secretary
      & Membership Services Officer

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      martin keating
      GLASS Member

      Joined: 21 May 2008
      Posts: 110

      PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:19 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
      Like the warden bit, its all down to "a face" that can be trusted.
      PRUNE missions "into the interior to do good"


      • #4
        and a bit more. all looking positive... so far

        Many thanks for your email.
        I've been a Sales Rep and Regional
        Sales Manager in the medical/healthcare arena for
        over 25 years and do have marketing experience on
        top. I have lots of plans, as do other members of
        the Exec, for taking GLASS forward and getting us
        into the public arena.

        Tony Ferrari is our Press/Communications Officer
        and, like most of the Exec, fits his GLASS duties
        around his work, etc. and would be grateful for
        your assistance and ideas.

        I have sent your email to Dave Codrai (Chairman),
        Tony Ferrari (Press) and Duncan Green (CEO) for
        their comments.

        I personally believe that you and Tony would be
        best talking direct and pooling your ideas. I
        would be very happy to contribute anything that I
        can. (i.e. for my sins, I'm also a qualified
        secretary so I tend to do most of the typing and
        laying out)

        We had debated whether to enquire from members
        what skills they had and would they contribute to
        GLASS but the bug of "data protection" slightly
        prevents that. I'm not sure I could get away with
        putting that on a membership form. Having said
        that, the phone numbers and vehicle registration
        numbers are voluntary information.

        Regarding the less abled/disabled - there was a
        group called DORA who campaigned for their right
        to use and see the countryside in 4x4s/MPVs. Over
        the years, sadly, this group fragmented and now
        GLASS is not sure what to do about it. Some MPs
        said we were using this group as a lever to keep
        vehicular access in the countryside!

        I hope you will be able to attend the AGM on
        Saturday 20 September? Venue is Avalanche
        Adventures, Sibbertoft, nr. Market Harborough,
        Leics. Great opportunity to put these great ideas
        to the meeting.

        See what Dave, Tony and Duncan come back to you
        with and let's take these ideas forward.

        All the best

        Esther Bourne
        Company Secretary & Membership Services[/I


        • #5
          Well done biosurf
          I Love Wales


          • #6
            Glad to see you got some replies Paul. Will keep an eye on this thread to see what the outcome is.
            Well done mate
            www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

