I guess people know the NERC (natuaral Environment and Rural COmmunities) bill has passed in the lords.
We've lost the majority of green lanes - officialy we've lost 60% of lanes we could legaly drive at the start of the week but with the new powers for TRO's it could be more.
If you have any favorite lanes that are shown as Rupp's or ORPA's or dual status UCR's or whites, you better get out and drive them in the next couple of weeks and say goodbye.
We've lost the majority of green lanes - officialy we've lost 60% of lanes we could legaly drive at the start of the week but with the new powers for TRO's it could be more.
If you have any favorite lanes that are shown as Rupp's or ORPA's or dual status UCR's or whites, you better get out and drive them in the next couple of weeks and say goodbye.