First what a great site so why not try and get the most from it.
Anyone fancy a Scottish meet to put faces to names and the like.
Also we are blessed with some fantastic country side to play in then theres always the Beer and BQ option camping of course no beer and driving.
We also have aka Mad for Mud which looks brill
£15 a day or £160 for the year with 365 day access to the whole estate wash bays and club house.
So come on guys lets get a meet organised and hopefully use it as platform to get some 4x4 fun running North of the Border
So if you are a Scottish surfer get your name {and location} on this thread and I will compile a pm list.
We can then try and get a popular/agreed meet location.
Anyone fancy a Scottish meet to put faces to names and the like.
Also we are blessed with some fantastic country side to play in then theres always the Beer and BQ option camping of course no beer and driving.

We also have aka Mad for Mud which looks brill
£15 a day or £160 for the year with 365 day access to the whole estate wash bays and club house.

So come on guys lets get a meet organised and hopefully use it as platform to get some 4x4 fun running North of the Border
So if you are a Scottish surfer get your name {and location} on this thread and I will compile a pm list.
We can then try and get a popular/agreed meet location.