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Latest from DEFRA

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  • Latest from DEFRA

    Latest guidelines from Tha Department for Environment Faming and Rural Affairs, bit of indepth reading material on their web site, but at long last it seems that the government realises that stopping all green lane use by responsible users wont detair the muppets who have no regard for others or the environment that they wreck.


    If it smells like fish, eat it!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Fish
    but at long last it seems that the government realises that stopping all green lane use by responsible users wont detair the muppets who have no regard for others or the environment that they wreck.

    Go figure!!! and bet that took millions of £'s to work out as well.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3

      a bunch of jobs worthy ba5t4rds they are they dont even know how to do there job the foot n mouth outbreak made them change their name but same people still do the same job a job that none of them have any idea about soon they will be killin a load of badgers cos of tb in cattle how do we know that its not the cattle givin the badgers tb i say give defra loonys tb oops sorry they already have it TURDS for BRAINS gollygone


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fish
        Latest guidelines from Tha Department for Environment Faming and Rural Affairs, bit of indepth reading material on their web site, but at long last it seems that the government realises that stopping all green lane use by responsible users wont detair the muppets who have no regard for others or the environment that they wreck.


        Nope, Quite the opposite. The research that the site reffers to (the Faber-maunsell report, funded by defra) was ignored by the government when it didn't say what they wanted.

        The NERC bill is going through parliament at the moment and will remove the legal rights to 60% or so of currently legal green lanes (all classified as RUPP or UCR's overlaid as bridleways/footpaths on the definitive map). Expect to loose them by the end of the year.

        The police have now started issuing section 59 notices in some counties. This is legislation designed to prevent boy racers and people riding minimotos on the pavement etc. however it can be issued for driving anywhere offroad without legal access. Once a section 59 warning has been issued (first offence) then on a second offence your vehicle is confiscated. it is then up to you to prove you did have access if you want your truck back.

        If that all sounds improbable try checking the TRF or GLASS websites etc. It really is that bad

