Should I call this "When I grow up" ?
or "Reverse back so I can video it again" ?
or "Who left that there" ?
or "The Island is invaded again" ?
Yes folks the deadly duo of the Popmobile and Hippo have once again invaded the Island with 3 aims in mind:
1) To break the offroading duck for the new Popmobile
2) To do the same for Dunno's new truck - the Limbo dance special
3) To meet up with Mark Lawton along with the family, and introduce them to the Tennyson and Bembridge trails.
Ho hum the best intentions, however 2 out of 3 isn't too bad
Yes we made (1) & (3) but because of no ground clearance (2) was a dead duck.
A great day was had by all, and all that could be heard came from Pops
"Can I back to get it filmed again", or "all you veg oil runners making me starving"
We did meet one moaning rambler, however when shown the maps and facing odds of 10 to 1 he eventually ended up realising we were the good guys
and moaned about the bikes doing the run.
I'll let the more wordy souls (Pops, Terrie and Dunno) add more stories - here's my pics.

or "Reverse back so I can video it again" ?
or "Who left that there" ?
or "The Island is invaded again" ?
Yes folks the deadly duo of the Popmobile and Hippo have once again invaded the Island with 3 aims in mind:
1) To break the offroading duck for the new Popmobile
2) To do the same for Dunno's new truck - the Limbo dance special

3) To meet up with Mark Lawton along with the family, and introduce them to the Tennyson and Bembridge trails.
Ho hum the best intentions, however 2 out of 3 isn't too bad

Yes we made (1) & (3) but because of no ground clearance (2) was a dead duck.
A great day was had by all, and all that could be heard came from Pops

"Can I back to get it filmed again", or "all you veg oil runners making me starving"
We did meet one moaning rambler, however when shown the maps and facing odds of 10 to 1 he eventually ended up realising we were the good guys

I'll let the more wordy souls (Pops, Terrie and Dunno) add more stories - here's my pics.