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Defra----not Good :(

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  • Defra----not Good :(

    This don't sound good.............green welly brigade getting some serious backing


  • #2
    is there an equivalant site for 4x4 owners?
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      Here you go Lara site


      and Green Lane Association (GLASS)

      Last edited by kazam401; 22 January 2005, 16:36.


      • #4
        Once again we dont here about the numerous numbers of walkers wearing away paths and leaving litter. Or those allowing animals to walk and run freely through livestock areas.

        In some areas of the National Parks the erosion due to the number of footsteps means constant renewal of pathways ,verges and stone walls


        • #5
          But on the side of the walkers, we've got to act responsibly to maintain any rights we have. Just this weekend I was sitting in my truck on a country lane, having pulled over to answer the phone when 4 vehicles that had obviously been off roading came past. There was plenty of room (as other vehicles had already passed me), yet 3 of them still felt the need to drop 2 wheels off the road and into the mud - result? another section of countryside with a torn up ugly grass verge.

          What was the point of that? If that's what they got upto on a normal public road, God knows what they had been tearing up on green lanes all day. How on earth can we possibly justify our right to use these lanes if all some people will do is cause more damage?

          Chatting to some of the locals around where I now live, I've found out that 4x4s are pretty hated by some landowners, to the point where they're effectively booby trapping the tracks (puncture hazards, that sort of stuff). But who can blame them with idiots going around driving like that?

          I've been out with people and seen behaviour I haven't liked - things like driving with 2 wheels on the centre ridge of a track and 2 off the edge to reduce the risk of bottoming out. The only result of that over time is going to be to fuel the arguements of the anti's because the tracks will become wider and wider. If you don't want to risk damaging your truck, keep it on the tarmac, it's simple.

          I'm all for protecting our rights to green lane, but I can't blame ramblers, horse riders and the like for trying to stop us when damage is being caused. On the other hand, I wish some of them would learn to walk through puddles instead of creating new paths around them - that makes them just as guilty!

          PS Yes, I've had a stressful day!


          • #6
            I like walking though puddles but driving though them is more fun


            • #7
              Nice one Smeg.

              I went into rural Buckinghamshire today to visit my mother. Where she lives is 1 Mile down a gated single track road. Their biggest objection to 4x4 is the neuvo green welly brigade who insist on keeping their Kensington Tractors clean by forcing them, in their modest Vauxhall Cavalier, onto the grass/mud.
              I've experienced these people too. 60MPH through a private estate, with the gated road as a right of way (rat run). Sheep and cattle are of no consequence to them as long as they can pick up Tarquin from Sto*e School and get to their dinner party on time.
              It's only a hobby!

