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Devil's Pit 23 May 2004

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  • Devil's Pit 23 May 2004

    Sermon for Sunday 23 May 2004

    And it came to pass in the land of Bedford, by the tree of Jeremiah and close to the Sharpenhoe clappers. The tribes of the Offroad Brethren made a Hajj or pilgrimage, coming together from many towns and cities to celebrate their faith.

    The tribes rode in decorated chariots, polished and gleaming and needing many horses to pull their weight. Many costing thousands of Shekels

    All the tribes met in the assembly place, Gathering together by chariot name.
    Toy of Ota to the right, Land of Rover to the left and the Suzuki chariots in the centre. The chariots of no name left to find any place they could.
    Many voices of praise and admiration of the beautiful chariots lined up for inspection
    and the friendly banter of old acquaintances hoping to buy or sell goods and chattels
    could be heard all around.
    The tribesmen had many strange names, Hornygolop, Sumo, Koi, Rubble in Bags, Kite Surf Phil and many more weird and wonderful titles.

    All around the wilderness of the Devil’s Pit waited for the sacrificial lambs to venture forth to test their will against the violent hills and desperate valleys.
    The deep pits of despond filled with corruption, bubbled evil smelling gases.
    Sharp flints and deep ruts conspired together to break the chariots of the innocent.

    Time to “play”
    The brothers climbed into the chariots and with the reverence of religious ceremony drove in convoy into the wilderness.
    I bravely accepted a ride with luckily, a very good driver.
    What followed defies description!
    Into valleys of death, over blind hills at speed, though narrow tracks rutted and twisted, brushed by undergrowth with shear drops on every side (if you were brave enough to keep your eyes open). On all sides chariots driven by demented faithful emerged from other tracks each driver in his own state of excited fervour
    Suspension bottomed, mud flew, wipers vainly tried to clear a view.
    Laxatives unnecessary on this trip.

    Back to the gathering ground, chariots besmirched with mud.
    We were uninjured the chariot was undamaged. The Gods had been kind.
    The trial by Off Roading was done.
    The nervous tension of the brothers replaced now with a wicked humour.

    Thank you brother Sumo for the experience.
    Last edited by Oldone; 24 May 2004, 11:37.
    Still rolling and waving

  • #2
    Like it
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      A Prize Winner

      A Prize winner "no less"

      Glad you had a good day Don

      Funny in it. Sumo was my first instructor.

      Rubblebags (Geoff).


      • #4
        I didnt know we had a reverand amongst us
        Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


        • #5
          Originally posted by mark g8awo
          I didnt know we had a reverand amongst us
          Not a reverand , Don is more of a Godfather

          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


          • #6
            You've done that before??.......AAAHMMMENNNN.


            • #7
              Nice summary!!!

              Cheers guys i had a great day out,its nice to put some faces to names at last!, I cant wait for the next one!

              Just got to find a new fog lamp!
              Also seems i have christened the sump guard a few decent sized dents in it!
              Lastly anyone know how i get all the mud off my car?Its being very stuborn!

              I have attached a few of the photos i got!
              Attached Files

              Big 'n' beautiful!


              • #8
                Nice one of the Porsche Eddie .
                Plus it looks like I need to lose weight again , or does the camera just add 10lb !!

                Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                • #9
                  yeah its just my 'special' camera!!!

                  Big 'n' beautiful!


                  • #10
                    RE: the mud

                    cool pics eddie. So far as the mud goes i am beginning to think it will have to stay as mine looks like concrete now lol just abuse the mud with a good jet wash it works for me most of the time if not you may have to use a cutting torch hehe


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lickit
                      cool pics eddie. So far as the mud goes i am beginning to think it will have to stay as mine looks like concrete now lol just abuse the mud with a good jet wash it works for me most of the time if not you may have to use a cutting torch hehe
                      Take your Surf back to Tony and Linda's , Tony can cut the mud off with his grinder .

                      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                      • #12
                        Just emailed the picture of the Porsche to Top Gear you never know you might see some ridicule on the programme.
                        Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Lickit
                          cool pics eddie. So far as the mud goes i am beginning to think it will have to stay as mine looks like concrete now lol just abuse the mud with a good jet wash it works for me most of the time if not you may have to use a cutting torch hehe
                          Use hose pipe presure on the rad it takes longer but it dosn't bend the fins.

                          Rubblebags (Geoff).


                          • #14
                            Nice one Don,its a hobby of mine is scaring old folk witless
                            Glad you enjoyed it.Next time let LINDA take you round,she is a lot more scarey than me.

                            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sumo
                              Nice one Don,its a hobby of mine is scaring old folk witless
                              Glad you enjoyed it.Next time let LINDA take you round,she is a lot more scarey than me.

                              Linda is also a lot better looking .

                              PS We still got Angies bra from Langdale if you want it

                              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

