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Devils Pit Tomorow (26th)

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  • Devils Pit Tomorow (26th)

    Is anybody from here going tomorow? It will be my first propper off road day so it would be nice to have someone to ask for advice or go round with etc.


    Last edited by harry-ssrg; 26 April 2009, 17:48.

  • #2
    Just make sure you hose the RADIATOR off for a few hours when you get back. CHALKY CLAY GOOP will block the Veins causes overheating!


    • #3
      Well i got back a couple of hours ago and had a really good time. your right about the radiator, it was getting a bit hot on the way back so i had to stop a couple of time to hose it down.

      really nice atomsphere and everybody was very helpfull, i feel i learned a lot. i will get some pictures up later, i cant believe how muddy i got it. not much damage either so all is good (the odd dent and the rear fog but nothing too serious). i will defonatly be going again and im giving serious thought to attending avalanche.


      • #4
        A good stopping point on your way back is the ford at Batford along the lower luton rd. just turn right at the mini roundabout as you start to go up the hill as you leave Batford by the warehouse...Just go and sit in the river for a bit and upset the kids fishing off the bridge. This works best when the river is at a reasonable depth to let the river wash the mud out otherwise just drive through creating a nice bow wave to wash through..Its a good photo stop
        Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


        • #5
          thanks for that, i didnt think about driving through a river to clear it, haha. i think im going to have to take it out to clean it now, its propper clogged and dryed in there.

          pictures to come shortly.

