The day started at the pines cafe at cannock chase where we met with magnum and his daughter. while we were waiting for the other's to arrive from bofa we ordered brekkie! a full monty for magnum and a big breakfast for us we ordered. After two people had brought in magnums breakfast people from bofa started to arrive.
After everyone had arrived we set off in our valiant steed's into the chase. First we sent to the sandpit and split into two teams and we were off ... we followed some lanes with interesting turns, dips and scratchy bit's followed by mitsu'es mound. Everyone made it. After we went through the avenue which is a very narrow corridor of tree's and magnum trying to keep his camera attached to the surf. Eventually we made it to the jungle with soft sticky mud, tree's, random logs, stumps and camel trophy's and plenty of laughs we made our way round.
little while later we went down the ski slope and up suzuki hill followed by a little trip through the rodadendrons. We then went to the axle twister with varying degree's of sucess from landrover's and surf's( pic shown later ) once all car's had shown their stuff it was time to go to the meeting place for lunch.. there was a hill which we all attempted to do minus a landrover all with success (land rover had dislocated a rear spring and we fixed it) after this we stopped for lunch and met with the other team and had cake and then some more cake!! .
once lunch was over it was time for the off... again we followed some intricate paths lined with tree's, dry paths, sharp side slopes, angles, mud and some very dusty area's. We went to 101 with is a sharp drop but with no visability below you and surrounded by tree's (for a surf ther was bout six inches to room to squeeze through!!)when we finshed (all but one landrover) we travelled to stumpy alley we drove down first and went round the bog of doom! we then went through some sandy bits and throughs the tree's and back to stumpy alley. This time going up! (after passing the bog of doom for a second time) it was time to tackle follow through hill! After navigating through woodland and narrow tree's to the bottom it was time to head off to Devils bowel... only one car did'nt make it (yes you guessed it.. the same landy). After this we went back up follow through hill again all car's made it. After we had conquered follow thru hill it was time to head back to the sand pit where we met up with the other team.
Then it was off to the pub for a lemonade!!
It was a great day and was great to meet magnum and his daughter and to see his surf in action!!!!!! would like to see them again soon
Drew and Clare

After everyone had arrived we set off in our valiant steed's into the chase. First we sent to the sandpit and split into two teams and we were off ... we followed some lanes with interesting turns, dips and scratchy bit's followed by mitsu'es mound. Everyone made it. After we went through the avenue which is a very narrow corridor of tree's and magnum trying to keep his camera attached to the surf. Eventually we made it to the jungle with soft sticky mud, tree's, random logs, stumps and camel trophy's and plenty of laughs we made our way round.
little while later we went down the ski slope and up suzuki hill followed by a little trip through the rodadendrons. We then went to the axle twister with varying degree's of sucess from landrover's and surf's( pic shown later ) once all car's had shown their stuff it was time to go to the meeting place for lunch.. there was a hill which we all attempted to do minus a landrover all with success (land rover had dislocated a rear spring and we fixed it) after this we stopped for lunch and met with the other team and had cake and then some more cake!! .
once lunch was over it was time for the off... again we followed some intricate paths lined with tree's, dry paths, sharp side slopes, angles, mud and some very dusty area's. We went to 101 with is a sharp drop but with no visability below you and surrounded by tree's (for a surf ther was bout six inches to room to squeeze through!!)when we finshed (all but one landrover) we travelled to stumpy alley we drove down first and went round the bog of doom! we then went through some sandy bits and throughs the tree's and back to stumpy alley. This time going up! (after passing the bog of doom for a second time) it was time to tackle follow through hill! After navigating through woodland and narrow tree's to the bottom it was time to head off to Devils bowel... only one car did'nt make it (yes you guessed it.. the same landy). After this we went back up follow through hill again all car's made it. After we had conquered follow thru hill it was time to head back to the sand pit where we met up with the other team.
Then it was off to the pub for a lemonade!!
It was a great day and was great to meet magnum and his daughter and to see his surf in action!!!!!! would like to see them again soon
Drew and Clare
