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Pics at the Pit 8th Feb

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  • #31
    Originally posted by hormygollop
    The lever only selects high or low, and there should be a functioning switch on the dash for selecting 4WD !! this is one of the replys from a daihatsu forum
    WOW - a switch on the Dashboard for 4WD... I recall mentioning that to you on Sunday??????? and I'm a non techy too....



    • #32
      Originally posted by Linda
      WOW - a switch on the Dashboard for 4WD... I recall mentioning that to you on Sunday??????? and I'm a non techy too....
      Ahh the world of Surf Sarcasm bliss..............not

      Let me clarify the whole situation

      The daihatsu has had its transfer box replaced with a newer one, the one that has a dash switch, however the person who did this did not do the whole mod and must have been happy with just 2WD I now need a wiring diagram some extra vacuum pipes and a clue then it will work..

      Now due to sarcasm from members I have decided to put a £2 levy on the washer, with the exception of Koi, he will pay £2 plus vat

      I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


      • #33
        Originally posted by hormygollop
        Ahh the world of Surf Sarcasm bliss..............not

        Let me clarify the whole situation

        The daihatsu has had its transfer box replaced with a newer one, the one that has a dash switch, however the person who did this did not do the whole mod and must have been happy with just 2WD I now need a wiring diagram some extra vacuum pipes and a clue then it will work..

        Now due to sarcasm from members I have decided to put a £2 levy on the washer, with the exception of Koi, he will pay £2 plus vat

        i,m telling terrie of you when she gets home
        not sarcasm keith FRIENDLY BANTER
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #34
          Jeez - you try to help a guy out... all you get in return is laughter, and then you get told you're gonna get charged for using the washer next time!!
          Don't think I'll bother trying to help again..... (still at least I don't have to pay VAT )



          • #35
            Originally posted by pops
            i,m telling terrie of you when she gets home
            not sarcasm keith FRIENDLY BANTER
            Hey I know that pops, and you can have all the water you can catch
            I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


            • #36
              Originally posted by Linda
              Jeez - you try to help a guy out... all you get in return is laughter, and then you get told you're gonna get charged for using the washer next time!!
              Don't think I'll bother trying to help again..... (still at least I don't have to pay VAT )
              I know you were only trying to help ya sarcastic mare you can have the same water deal as pop
              I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


              • #37
                Originally posted by hormygollop
                I know you were only trying to help ya sarcastic mare you can have the same water deal as pop
                Cool!!! the way that pipe was leaking all I gotta do is line the surf up properly and let it do its work!!!



                • #38
                  Originally posted by hormygollop
                  I know you were only trying to help ya sarcastic mare you can have the same water deal as pop
                  ha ha chase us BIG BOY
                  Enjoying Life after Cancer


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by pops
                    ha ha chase us BIG BOY
                    You will see
                    I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by hormygollop
                      You will see
                      NEXT STOP e-bay for WET WEATHER GEAR
                      i'll be ready
                      Enjoying Life after Cancer


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by pops
                        NEXT STOP e-bay for WET WEATHER GEAR
                        i'll be ready
                        That my friend would be a very good idea
                        I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by hormygollop
                          That my friend would be a very good idea
                          bring it on highest bidder on a set as we speak/text/post
                          Enjoying Life after Cancer


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by pops
                            NEXT STOP e-bay for WET WEATHER GEAR
                            i'll be ready
                            you need to be ready he got me good and proper on sunday and i only asked if he'd wash the mud of my wellies

                            [center][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=7][color=magenta][u][b][img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipgrl12.gif[/img][/b][/u][/color][/size] [img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipmn1.gif[/img][/font][/center][center][img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim_ashton/shyAV5.jpg[/img][/center][center][b][color=#ff00ff][size=7][u]E[/u][/size][u][size=5]ms [/size][size=5]&[/size][size=7] J[/size][size=5]im[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center]


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Ems and Jim
                              you need to be ready he got me good and proper on sunday and i only asked if he'd wash the mud of my wellies

                              well i think thats cruel picking on a defenceless young lady Keith!!
                              and i just been outbid on me wetweather gear
                              Enjoying Life after Cancer


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by pops
                                well i think thats cruel picking on a defenceless young lady Keith!!
                                and i just been outbid on me wetweather gear
                                Emms asked if I would wash the mud off !! there was an awful lot of it
                                I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am

