Hi All. Anyone going to Langdale Quest in North yorkshire and needing some where to stay, well look no further than The BLACK BULL CARAVAN PARK.Its on the Malton road Pickering.(A169). The site has space for caravans and tents,the folks what own it are very friendly,and the best bit is, ITS ONLY 200YDS MAX TO THE PUB
Langdale itself is only 45mins away and every other place you may want to see isnt much further. Infact the black bull is pretty central.
you can phone them on 01751472528 or see for your self on www.ukcampsites.co.uk and serch for the black bull caravan park pickering.One final bonus, the local guide is a very nice chap called BENSONNUTS some of you might know him,if your going drop him a pm I feel sure he will want to come out and play.
happy camping.

you can phone them on 01751472528 or see for your self on www.ukcampsites.co.uk and serch for the black bull caravan park pickering.One final bonus, the local guide is a very nice chap called BENSONNUTS some of you might know him,if your going drop him a pm I feel sure he will want to come out and play.

happy camping.