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SPTA news letter for Febuary

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  • SPTA news letter for Febuary

    There have been a number of recent attacks by dogs on sheep and other users of the Plain.
    Dog owners are reminded that dogs must be kept under control at all times when on public
    rights of way and when using SPTA for recreational purposes. Please report any incidents to
    the Plain Watch number below so that we can better target offenders.
    Military Road Works on the closing sections Eastern Infrastructure Plan are planned to take
    place as follows:
    New road Imber Ranges to Lavington Vedette via A360 (Delta Crossing) - Jan to Easter 2013
    Ridgeway (the stone track between Lavington Vedette and Casterley) - Jan & Mar 2013
    February will see a high rate of activity on the Plain throughout the month.
    1 – 8 February. Preparation for the 1 Mechanised Brigade Afghanistan pre-deployment exercise
    PASHTUN DAWN will continue during the first week of February with communications and logistic
    assets working on the training area.
    4 – 8 February. Major armoured manoeuvre and artillery live firing exercises across the whole Plain
    during the first week with the armoured and armoured infantry Ex TEAM SPIRIT on the West and
    Centre of the Plain between 4 - 7 February. At the same time two of the main Royal School of
    Artillery courses will be live firing with AS 90 and light guns. Civilian contractors will be erecting
    compound structures across the Plain at sites which, the public are asked to stay well away from.
    9 February – 4 March. The main body of troops and vehicles arrive on 9/10 February and depart on
    3/4 March with slow moving convoys heading from and to the Tidworth area. The exercise which
    starts on 12 February and finishes on 3 March will take place across the entire length of the Plain and
    involve some 9000 troops and support personnel, over 550 tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles,
    and both fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Large convoys (some in excess of 80 vehicles), will operate on
    the training area and there may be some disruption at tank crossings on the A360, A345, A338 and
    the A3026. For the period of the exercise there will be no public access to the Larkhill Artillery
    Ranges, and permissive stone tracks in the Tilshead/Chitterne/Shrewton triangle (Copehill Down
    area) will be closed in the interest of public safety.
    Late firing on Larkhill Ranges on: 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 26th, 28th February.
    Live firing on Salisbury plain (East): 6th February.
    AS90 Firing from Tilshead, Chitterne, Shrewton triangle: Nil
    Complaints about Firing Noise should be made to (01980) 620819.

    Military Flying – Helicopters, Hercules (C130) and fast jets may be active at any time. Fox Covert &
    Everleigh Dropping Zones will be active for most of the period.
    Complaints about low flying should be made to 0207 218 6020 or e-mail lowflying@mod.uk.
    Provisional Dates for Future Major Exercises. During the following exercise access may be
    restricted on Larkhill Ranges and in the Chitterne – Shrewton – Tilshead Triangle north of the B390.
    9 Feb 13 - 3 Mar 13 Ex PASHTUN DAWN
    10 Jun 13 - 24 Jun 13 Ex WESSEX STORM
    26 Aug 13 - 13 Sep 13 Ex PASHTUN DAWN
    11 Nov 13 - 25 Nov 13 Ex WESSEX THUNDER

    Access to SPTA is regulated by Salisbury Plain Military Lands, Bulford, Larkhill and Imber Range
    Byelaws. Always comply with local signs and flags. Public rights of way located in Range Danger
    Areas are closed when red flags are flying.
    This Newsletter is published up to 6 weeks before the event and changes may occur. Access timings
    for the next week can be found on the SPTA Walks Line: (01980) 67 4763.
    Larkhill Ranges
    No firing is planned for: 2nd, 3rd 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th February.
    Note: Due to the risk of “cook off” from unexploded ordnance the range is closed during fires.
    Bulford Ranges
    No firing is planned for: 2nd, 3rd, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th February.

    Imber Ranges
    The public are excluded except when the roads are specifically opened and access is then limited to
    the roads from Warminster to Joan a Gore’s Cross, Bratton to Imber and Heytesbury to Imber.
    Details for road opening at Easter, in the summer and for St Giles’s Day and Remembrance services
    will be published as soon as they are known.
    1. Even when roads are open the village and buildings remain out of bounds to the public.
    2. Dates may change if operational training needs dictate.
    3. Church opening times can be found at www.imberchurch.org.uk.
    What Can You Do to Reduce Crime on Salisbury Plain?
    If a crime is taking place call 999 and do not challenge the offenders.
    Report suspicious activity to PLAINWATCH (01980 674700). The more information received the
    better e.g. time, place, vehicle registration, description of individuals and vehicles.
    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'