Originally posted by bensonsnuts
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I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am
I'm bored so I thought I'd bore you lot too :^)
Talking of dogs, mine look real clever cos theyre trained gun dogs. 2 English Springer Spaniels, and they do what I say cos theyre trained like.
I can sit them down on any spot in a field, get them to search in any area in a field for a shot pheasant or rabbit or whatever and get them to bring whatever it is back and they look real cool,,, but they are really really stupid in some ways. I was working just outside Norwich cutting down the trees on the rail sides, decided to take a dog and shoot a few rabbits before work, any way, walking down the line side, no rabbits yet, train due in ten minutes, I decided to get of the lineside and cross under a bridge into a field I knew had loads of bunnys, walked under the road bridge and realised my dog Teal was still sniffing around near the line above me and the next train was in 5 minutes now, whistled the dog and her head appeared on the bridge parapet over the road, 'comeon girl' I said 'get down here' she looked at me and just jumped the 20 feet down, bounced on the road, gave a small squeek and ran into the hedge, looking for rabbits. Needless to say my (and my bosses) heart went ten to the dozen expecting big damage but there was none. Yesterday took them for a walk along the sea wall on Canvey Island and Teals daughter Tess decided to jump off the 16 foot high sea wall onto the rocks below, my wife said I should carry her up the ladder to get her back up, I have since renamed her 'Janine',,, I walked the dog back nearly a mile to the nearest steps
Originally posted by WoodieTalking of dogs, mine look real clever cos theyre trained gun dogs. 2 English Springer Spaniels, and they do what I say cos theyre trained like.
I can sit them down on any spot in a field, get them to search in any area in a field for a shot pheasant or rabbit or whatever and get them to bring whatever it is back and they look real cool,,, but they are really really stupid in some ways. I was working just outside Norwich cutting down the trees on the rail sides, decided to take a dog and shoot a few rabbits before work, any way, walking down the line side, no rabbits yet, train due in ten minutes, I decided to get of the lineside and cross under a bridge into a field I knew had loads of bunnys, walked under the road bridge and realised my dog Teal was still sniffing around near the line above me and the next train was in 5 minutes now, whistled the dog and her head appeared on the bridge parapet over the road, 'comeon girl' I said 'get down here' she looked at me and just jumped the 20 feet down, bounced on the road, gave a small squeek and ran into the hedge, looking for rabbits. Needless to say my (and my bosses) heart went ten to the dozen expecting big damage but there was none. Yesterday took them for a walk along the sea wall on Canvey Island and Teals daughter Tess decided to jump off the 16 foot high sea wall onto the rocks below, my wife said I should carry her up the ladder to get her back up, I have since renamed her 'Janine',,, I walked the dog back nearly a mile to the nearest stepsEnjoying Life after Cancer
I think Teal is just 'Plane Dumb'
Springers look soft but theyre 'well ard!' a friends springer jumped over a barbed wire fence to fetch a rabbit he'd shot but got caught by the teat on a barb, she was just hanging upside down looking at us, waiting to be released, no noise nothing just this lookOUCH!