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solid axle swap
revisiting the steering part of the swapLast edited by dannyboy77; 22 June 2012, 12:58.
Just a quick update on the SAS. Just sorting the steering out and have tried to keep it as simple as possible. Have kept the drag link from the original axle and have made the steering linkage from the PS to the steering knuckle. I have used the end of the original steering linkage as to fit the PS ball joint and got 18.5 mm ID tube with 3.4mm wall and taped a M20x2.5 rod end. The bolt is an M20x2.5 (the ball joints are M16 tappered)
Had to grind off the top of the original steering arm so the flat bar would fit on top on the original thread. I think you can take the thread out but it is M11x1.5 which is hard to get hold of but I managed to get both of them on the original thread and a full nut
Steering part of the swap done just need to hammerite the weld and the other bits
After a few concerns and constructive comments from fellow members and slight inexperience I uprated the steering arm. Basically I turn it into a 76x40x8mm |----| beam and put in ribbed steel in both webs of the I beam as close both places where the flat bar had been bent, as there was concern and certainty that the flat bar alone would twist under steering on and off road. The I beam would be best suited to this situation and after a couple of minutes of continually going full lock either was while stationary ( max stress on steering) the bar did not flex or twist in any way. I know it aint the prettiest thing but it does the job and when hammerited up will look OK. I know water could trap in on the top may just drill a little hole on the middle of the flat bar.
Last edited by dannyboy77; 26 June 2012, 08:51.
Just an update on the swap. All finished now well kind off I have to lower the front but it is on the road and driving OK, but I can see why they swapped the solid axle for IFS ha little better handling on the road but sacrificed off roading capabilities! I got 2 coil spacers to lift the back up and now that I have 4 of suspension lift I extended the panyard rod by 40mm so that the axle would sit roughly central and not shifted to one side ( it had shifted to one side by about 30mm with the 2 lift so I guess it would be even more after a 4 lift!) the rod is 25mm dia and 2.5mm tube so just cut and slotted a similar piece in
As mentioned earlier the brakes were shifted outwards 5mm so I got 5mm wheel spacers so the brakes arent rubbing against the inside of the wheel. I got the coil spacers and the wheel spacers from
As the brake had shifted 5mm outwards and to the brake disc I used an old brake and chipped of the remainders of the brake pad and used a spacer. It also gives better braking !
I got rancho shocks for the front the have 10 of play so have set the up with 4 compression 6 extension. Got them from made the shock mounts and welded them to the chassis
All finished, as you can see the front is still sitting a bit high going to lower the front by moving the fixed leaf spring hangers at the front of the surf