Ok...I know it's not a surf but it is Toyota..well mostly.
Our truck is gorgeous, was a 2.2 petrol and is straight as and nigh on rust free. We decided that she was too good to off road and there's NO WAY we wanted to ruin the truck seeing as she got this far in life without any damage.
Taking that into consideration we wanted a bit more oooomph so the 2.2 had to go. We looked at the Lexus route but my gut feeling was that despite the obvious Toyota with a Toyota engine, the Rover V8 was simple to do for my 1st attempt at something like this.
It turned out really well and the tinkering around is what I love doing. had to employ the services of a local bloke for the SS headers to be made etc and to weld the engine mounts in, I wanted it done by a "pro" for the engineering report side of thing if needed...it was by DVLA.
Anyways...it's done, it drives spot on, looks good and sounds great in my opinion.........BUT......it's not a TOYOTA heart in our truck!
I've joined this forum after a mate from HPOC gave me the link to the Lexsurf threads.....I LOVE the Lexus look, sound...everything about it is tops in my opinion.
So now I have a dilemma. Do I stick with the Rover or swop it for the one I really wanted in the 1st place but bottled out on?
Ideas are....Get LS400 and rob all the parts as needed, running and tested, low mileage jobby. Then sell the Rover V8 as a ready to swop into another Hilux Pickup, turnkey type thingy...custom made SS exhausts, and use the money to (part) fund the Lexus swop.
I've done a fair few quid on the Rover swop so would want to re-coup as much as possible but whoever took this engine would have the benefit of a complete build thread if needed.
Looking at Vince's conversions has wetted my appetite but it's all a lot of money for a toy I hardly use.....BUT I FOOKING LOOOOOOOOOVE THAT LEXUS LUMP!!
A few piccies...our truck, Rover V8....lovely job BUT.....it could be so much better!!

I could get the majority of the work done myself to save £££'s but I also know this job is a lot more technical than the Rover swop.
Stuff like ECU's and keeping the 4x4 gearing would be above me, I would hate to ruin what is a gorgeous truck even with a Rover in it.
Thoughts/suggestions etc ???
Our truck is gorgeous, was a 2.2 petrol and is straight as and nigh on rust free. We decided that she was too good to off road and there's NO WAY we wanted to ruin the truck seeing as she got this far in life without any damage.
Taking that into consideration we wanted a bit more oooomph so the 2.2 had to go. We looked at the Lexus route but my gut feeling was that despite the obvious Toyota with a Toyota engine, the Rover V8 was simple to do for my 1st attempt at something like this.
It turned out really well and the tinkering around is what I love doing. had to employ the services of a local bloke for the SS headers to be made etc and to weld the engine mounts in, I wanted it done by a "pro" for the engineering report side of thing if needed...it was by DVLA.
Anyways...it's done, it drives spot on, looks good and sounds great in my opinion.........BUT......it's not a TOYOTA heart in our truck!
I've joined this forum after a mate from HPOC gave me the link to the Lexsurf threads.....I LOVE the Lexus look, sound...everything about it is tops in my opinion.
So now I have a dilemma. Do I stick with the Rover or swop it for the one I really wanted in the 1st place but bottled out on?
Ideas are....Get LS400 and rob all the parts as needed, running and tested, low mileage jobby. Then sell the Rover V8 as a ready to swop into another Hilux Pickup, turnkey type thingy...custom made SS exhausts, and use the money to (part) fund the Lexus swop.
I've done a fair few quid on the Rover swop so would want to re-coup as much as possible but whoever took this engine would have the benefit of a complete build thread if needed.
Looking at Vince's conversions has wetted my appetite but it's all a lot of money for a toy I hardly use.....BUT I FOOKING LOOOOOOOOOVE THAT LEXUS LUMP!!
A few piccies...our truck, Rover V8....lovely job BUT.....it could be so much better!!

I could get the majority of the work done myself to save £££'s but I also know this job is a lot more technical than the Rover swop.
Stuff like ECU's and keeping the 4x4 gearing would be above me, I would hate to ruin what is a gorgeous truck even with a Rover in it.
Thoughts/suggestions etc ???