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Fitted LC springs today (done torsion bars also)

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  • #16
    Torsion bars wound up today.

    Sitting a bit better

    To celebrate Yoshie washed it!
    (shiny club beware!)

    I gave mine a quick wash down, not been looked at since the Clog outing, had to really, windows were brown.

    another pic of Yoshies.


    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #17
      Oh aye, wee straightened out the panhard rod with a jack.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #18
        Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
        can the panhard be made adjustable? how would you do that?

        also, how much higher is the L/C springs compared to *NEW* standard springs and +2" spacers?
        is it the same or plus bit more?
        Cut a section out the rod tap each end about 5" to 6" get a steel rod and thread it to suit. 3 x 24mm nuts, thread bar in one section of the panard rod, screw nut on and weld to rod and bar. Screw on other two nuts then the other section / half of the panard, adjust to length then use the two 24mm nuts to lock at length required.

        I'm guessing at the 24mm size but it will be around that.
        By the way Ive never carried out this mod but should be a doddle IMHO

        LC has given me 3" of lift


        • #19
          Took my truck to Alans and look what he did to it.
          I will be in the shiney club by xmas


          • #20
            Nice job. At least you've got one of those fancy 3.0 things to turn yout 33's!!!

            One more job done for Clog
            www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


            • #21
              Looks good , hoping to get my springs and spacers fitted this weekend !
              I notice you have a short exhaust like me!!!
              It was spings and spacers or an exhaust ...........springs won WHATS A PANHARD??
              Last edited by martyrsvr; 20 February 2008, 20:50.
              Scottish mud club


              • #22
                Royal mail has your springs and stuff martyn.
                Without Surf And Unhappy


                • #23
                  Originally posted by The Lang-Shankit Scunner View Post
                  Royal mail has your springs and stuff martyn.
                  Why are they fitting them to postman pats van????????

                  Great thanks mate
                  Scottish mud club


                  • #24
                    post was a bit more, but dont worry about it, i dont want the balance mate. Your welcome btw. See you on the 15th
                    Without Surf And Unhappy

