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Spot mounts(again probably)

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  • Spot mounts(again probably)

    Hey y'all,
    im new here, ive come across from elite4x4 for some advice. I gotta pickup (cue abuse) but was told you mite be able to help me.

    i want spots on the top of my truck, but as i often carry ladders, mounting them on the roll bar is out the question. I like the type i often seen on landies, which sit at the top of the windscreen. my plan was to fit these http://www.x-eng.co.uk/X-Lite.asp?MID=43 to a bar attached to the roof rack mounts.

    does anyone have any pics or advice?

    many thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hi mate, and welcome. Actually, I think you'll find that most Surf owners have a soft spot for the open back versions - I certainly do, and really fancy a nice lifted crewcab sometime...

    Re. the lights, try fitting a roofbar with lights on it as far forward as you can. Thats what I used to do, and you can get it to within 6" or so of the front of the roof. A search for 'roof lights' will find some examples.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Those lights need a circular surface to sit on - im not sure what the Aero bars are like from Thule - might be useful?

      Have you considered the light pod from www.direct4x4.com ?

      you could sit that at the front an provided your ladders stick up on the roll bar rather then flat across the roof you'd be sorted!


      • #4
        Originally posted by John Roy View Post
        Hey y'all,
        im new here, ive come across from elite4x4 for some advice. I gotta pickup (cue abuse) but was told you mite be able to help me.

        i want spots on the top of my truck, but as i often carry ladders, mounting them on the roll bar is out the question. I like the type i often seen on landies, which sit at the top of the windscreen. my plan was to fit these http://www.x-eng.co.uk/X-Lite.asp?MID=43 to a bar attached to the roof rack mounts.

        does anyone have any pics or advice?

        many thanks in advance
        remember reading on another forum about those light to sum it up in one word ,crap!!
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #5
          sorry, but compare them to similar priced light's and the difference is phenomenal. They would probably still throw plenty of light, but IMO there's a reason that cars normally use car type bulbs and not the low voltage household reflector lamps used in the x-lites.

          They were demonstrating the x-lites at the donny show last year, ok artificial environment, too light to judge really, but they just appeared half as bright as most other spotlights that were there. If i had a full cage i might be tempted coz they look pretty cool, but would probably want something brighter on the front aswell - like a pair of candles
          =SOLD UP!=

