firstly thank god the forums back......
am i right in thinking there is a registration form
avail for declaring veg oil
am i right to think we can use 2500 ltr for free
thirdly i have been to the local dvla office and had the taxation class lowered on the surf, they are to pay me back the difference between the band g and the new class
i asked if i run on veg would it affect the tax class and they said the lower the co2 the lower the tax....................
does running veg lower the co2 output???????????
sorry for dragging this up again
am i right in thinking there is a registration form

am i right to think we can use 2500 ltr for free
thirdly i have been to the local dvla office and had the taxation class lowered on the surf, they are to pay me back the difference between the band g and the new class

i asked if i run on veg would it affect the tax class and they said the lower the co2 the lower the tax....................

does running veg lower the co2 output???????????
sorry for dragging this up again