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ATF trans cooler fitted - high temp showing with new gauges

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  • #31
    Yes I accept the cheap and temp option is more than usable and would at least give you some idea. I am considering it for my mates truck as a ghetto version of whay I'm doing.

    So splitting the voltage of the sensor might affect the things it goes to? interesting. I shall look into that. you wouldn't want to be messing wit line levels if they are supposed to be constant. I was not aware it went to anything other than the warning light...

    Bluetooth, apps, that whole interconnectedness revolution not my cup of tea.


    • #32
      My main issue with trying to monitor four temps would be keeping the displays simple so as the dash doesn't start to resemble a plane cockpit witha whole plethora of gauges
      Hence the BT approach one screen to rule them all
      The apps have a alarm and a threshold setting so as you don't need to constantly monitor them
      Old school as you suggest you prefer what about;

      Maybe one large range gauge with sensor selector via a discrete rotary switch may be more suitable ?


      • #33
        Stationary in traffic after motorway


        • #34
          Seems fine.

          However as ever with a gauge with that broad a pointer and that range of movement some leeway should be applied.

          The main thing is though the water ain't hot enough to cause a problem and the ATF is warm enough.

          Is your set up stand alone or additional ?
          And oil sensor is where?


          • #35
            Couldnt agree more. 4 dial gauges would be crazy Thats why I bought Auber digital's. Getting data on peak temps would be what I was interested in, rather than watching all the time. And to see what the actual difference was between the two temp sensors. Just out of interest like. One big gauge with a selector would get cumbersome maybe?

            I wouldn't say I prefer the old school style so much as I just definatly dont want an iphone surgically attached to anything I own. Apps are all very well and good till your battery runs out.

            Those temps seem ok from what the internet says is ok. Oil still a bit cool maybe? Do you have a thermostat in line with your cooler?

