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Seat belts, slow to retract

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  • Seat belts, slow to retract

    So, the drivers seat belt has started to get really slow to retract - if it retracts at all. Before I rip into it any hints on what I need to look for/lubricate/fix?

    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!

  • #2
    Mine appears to do the same but seems to be friction on the turning thing thats mounted up top


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jameswallace View Post
      Mine appears to do the same but seems to be friction on the turning thing thats mounted up top
      I've had acceptable results on other cars lubing the the hanging roller thingy with Pledge (would you believe it). Seems to let the belt slide over it more easily.


      • #4
        I pulled the covers off and had a look this afternoon. The belt does indeed run freely in and out of the spool, it's the top loop that's is giving the problem. I'm tempted to put a piece of medium grit sandpaper in there and knock a bit off so there is more room. Odd that the belt doesn't slip quite as well through it, but I guess the years of grease build-up from my hands will do that. Might also try the Pledge option, or any of a vast number of lubricants that I have on hand.
        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
          or any of a vast number of lubricants that I have on hand.

          Let us know how you get on.. my passenger side is a "bit slow" to retract (3rd Gen) I always assumed the retracting springs got weak with age.
          More Lift.
          More Tyres.
          More Engine.


          • #6
            OK, so I ran a bit of 80 grit sandpaper over the top and bottom of the upper hanger thingy, and that helped a lot. I then applied a few squirts of 3-in-1 Silicone spray lubricant, and it's much better. Maybe not quite factory fresh smooth, but it does retract rather than sitting in a slump and getting caught in the door.

            I then had a look at the passenger side which was also a little lack-lustre. I decided to try just the Silicone spray, and that did the job. So looks like a few squirts of something slippery is all that you need.

            Job done.
            Paul </Slugsie>
            Immortal.so far!


            • #7
              I'm pretty sure Tony N might suggest "try some KY jelly"

              13+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !!
              Buncefield Burner

