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Another KZN130 cooling question

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  • Another KZN130 cooling question

    Hey guys, so been reading into quite a few of these cooling posts on here. And noticing my temp gauge does like to just go over the middle on long climbs, I was wondering if anyone has installed extra electric fans on a switch?

    I'm thinking of installing a 82deg thermostat and some extra fans on swtich to give me a backup if needs be. Any thoughts on this?


  • #2
    To be honest the OEM temp gauge is not very accurate when it over heats, both my 2.4's where religiously maintained but when the heads blew, the temp gauge did not go above half way, only way I knew was the gurgling from the heater matrix!

    Should not need to fit extra fans if your not towing, check first that your viscose fan is working correctly, my last 2.4 had no silicon oil in it!


    • #3
      I have read There is a mod to the gauge you can do which i may do to mine.


      • #4
        Just reviving this thread, I have found some small cracks along the seam of the tank on my radiator, and also the truck is using some coolant, now my gut instinct is telling me that those small cracks shouldnt be using the amount that is disappearing. Ordered a new radiator for now, is there anyway of checking my head is ok without stripping it down?!


        • #5
          Sniff test on the coolant....


          • #6
            Found the coolant is filling up the expansion tank, so not being used in the engine anywhere. Hopefully a new radiator and cap will solve that problem.
            Going to service my viscous fan too as I dont think its doing an great deal. WWas overheating today and then dropping back to temp quickly over and over.

