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Economy & Boost pressure

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  • Economy & Boost pressure

    I am wanting to fit an in-car boost controller so when I want a bit of extra power I can simply up the boost. I will fit a gauge too so I know Where that 12PSI limit is.

    My question is how would fuel economy be effected? If I am just pottering around or cruising on the motorway and I turn the boost right down will it slightly improve economy or make it worse? as I may be causing the engine to work harder?

    Also is it likely to cause any issues with the ECU making regular adjustments? For example it will having to keep relearning itself? (Providing its that intelligent)

    I noticed this is not the most common way of changing the pressure so it is why I am asking. From what I understand most people just space the actuator or fit a controller under the bonnet then leave it alone.
    Last edited by Rob5464; 22 June 2012, 00:47.

  • #2
    I`d be inclined to leave it alone, the standard ecu is not advanced enough to make delicate fueling adjustments for differences in boost pressure, too little boost and at best it will just over fuel and loose power, most likely tho it will throw the engine management light on and go into limp home mode. Too much boost will lean off the fuel mixture and cause upper cylinder temperatures to go sky high, you`ve read about cracked heads yeah?

    There are things you can do to more safely up the power, search intercooler mods for one, it`s probably not going to make a difference to mpg tho.

    The standard ECU is set up to be all things to all people and it`s good at what it does, most of the trucks on here are over 18 years old now and still going strong, if you want more power/better fuel economy then maybe a better option would be a newer truck mate.


    • #3
      Do you live under a bridge?


      • #4
        Originally posted by shokenore View Post
        Do you live under a bridge?


        • #5
          Originally posted by shokenore View Post
          Do you live under a bridge?
          Yeh yeh be careful if you cross over it

          I found a lot of people have upped the boost on here so I thought it might be fairly safe. I was going to turn the fuel pump up as well slightly if needed. I thought about intercooling it but like you said its old and I know that. I only got it as a cheap toy so I don't want to throw money at it. I have more important places to put my money. I don't care much for the extra power it would just be nice to have it if you know what I mean.

          Also would turning the pump up on its own slightly be any benefit? I know most TD engines run lean anyway and I have spoken to a lot of people who have done it to other cars so I was wondering how lean these engines run. I am still concerned about overcooking the engine so if its going to raise temperatures too much I won't bother. After all I still want my monies worth out of this thing.

          On a side note despite a few issues I am really happy with it. Nice to drive on and off the road.


          • #6
            If you increase the boost pressure, you'll need to increase the fuelling to match it.
            If you increase the fuelling, the EGTs will be higher.
            If you increase the EGTs, start saving for a new cylinderhead!

            I think you've bought the wrong kind of vehicle, maybe try the Saxo or Clio forums.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              If you increase the boost pressure, you'll need to increase the fuelling to match it.
              If you increase the fuelling, the EGTs will be higher.
              If you increase the EGTs, start saving for a new cylinderhead!

              I think you've bought the wrong kind of vehicle, maybe try the Saxo or Clio forums.
              Please do not categorise me like that as you are mistaken. I have not seen other members getting flamed for upping there boost pressure.

              Its quite surprising really that the engine in my Toyota seems to be make of French cheese. I revved the nuts off my underpowered Peugeot for 3 years and despite roasting the engine when I got an air-lock it never missed a beat. Can't say much about the electrics though. At least these trucks have nice simple electrics and 90% of the interior can be taken out with one screwdriver. Unlike my Peugeot that you needed a toolbox for.

              I love both of them I just hope my Hilux will be as faithful.

              Thanks for the advice guys I may just leave the engine in peace for what its worth. I have plenty more ideas to keep me busy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rob5464 View Post

                Its quite surprising really that the engine in my Toyota seems to be make of French cheese.
                The engines are fine for what Toyota wanted the Surf to do, it's when they are messed with or not looked after that causes them to pop.

