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3lt auto

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  • 3lt auto

    Drive lost totally again!(see previous thread 15/10/11). After previous renewal of oil surf ran fine for about a month, parked up for 6 months, re-insured & ran fine for 3wks, then one evening it just lost all drive & coasted to a stop, I ran lever back/forth - no joy, switched it off & waited, restarted and away we go, went 1.5m, then all lost again, persevered and finally got it home. .No 'blinking from O/D', oil levels fine, no loose linkages. Just tried it today and heard grating noise when changing from reverse to park, all other changes fine - albeit it's static. I noticed a vibration/movement through gear lever when footbrake is operated - is this normal?, never noticed it before. - any ideas appreciated as garages will want lots to diagnose, and to be honest though it's worth lots to us and I love it, it's only worth about £1500 probably. - cheers Paul.

  • #2
    Originally posted by paulm View Post
    Drive lost totally again!(see previous thread 15/10/11). After previous renewal of oil surf ran fine for about a month, parked up for 6 months, re-insured & ran fine for 3wks, then one evening it just lost all drive & coasted to a stop, I ran lever back/forth - no joy, switched it off & waited, restarted and away we go, went 1.5m, then all lost again, persevered and finally got it home. .No 'blinking from O/D', oil levels fine, no loose linkages. Just tried it today and heard grating noise when changing from reverse to park, all other changes fine - albeit it's static. I noticed a vibration/movement through gear lever when footbrake is operated - is this normal?, never noticed it before. - any ideas appreciated as garages will want lots to diagnose, and to be honest though it's worth lots to us and I love it, it's only worth about £1500 probably. - cheers Paul.
    That usually happens when the transfer lever isn't pulled back towards the seat properly.

    If you can get it to me I can have a look, no charge for looking.


    • #3
      Hello Bushwacker - I appreciate your generous offer, I'll look to see what I can sort -out and come back to you. If I recall are you in the Newbridge area? As for the 'Transfer lever' are we talking the 4WD lever? apologies for the ignorance as I did juggle it about just in case it prompted the truck to move - cheers - Paul.


      • #4
        Hello Bushwacker - no further grating noise after your advice, must have had the lever between gears as you said. I've had no luck with a towcar/trailer. Would you be willing to listen to it at (your convenience) if I picked you up/dropped you off? - hope your not offended by me asking. - Paul.

