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MAYDAY...big problems & a good head scratcher

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  • MAYDAY...big problems & a good head scratcher

    I have a kzn130 ssrx ltd. Driving to work yesterday I suddenly felt vibration,a bit like when you run on those little bumps on the edge of a motorway, & a sound similar to having a flat. I pulled up & checked but all seemed fine so carried on to work. All seemed fine going home & also on a few little runs in town today. Had the wheels all balanced, went through to Scarborough & it was a different story. Started getting heavy vibration but only intermittently & also a squeal like run down brakes (they are fine by the way). Took my mate out who also has a surf & had the same heavy vibration with a grinding & squealing sound & also a knocking like something tapping on a pipe, a 'ting, ting' sort of sound. The mechanic took it out & there was half the vibration & sound....looked underneath & all seems as it should & he's not got a clue.

    ANY IDEAS???????????????

  • #2
    Rear propshaft? Failed UJ or worn/ungreased sliding joint.


    • #3
      ,my guess is propshaft or uj. Definately sounds like transmission related
      well, that was a bad idea!


      • #4
        Cheers for the replies lads. She's off the road at the moment as of last Thursday night....might have wrote it off......:-( Group of 4 staging accidents on a roundabout near Middlesbrough, trying for personal injury claims but think we got them cornered....they also did the same to a work colleague 2 hours prior to me but using a different car. B######s...!


        • #5
          It could be the flex plate/drive plate that the torque converter bolts to. If it cracks it can go out of balance, and cause the vibrations like you've described.

          It's unlikely you can tell without removing the box but you could have a look through the hole if you remove the starter.

          If this is the problem, don't let it go too far, if it fails completely it can make a mess, mine went pulling out of my drive, took the torque converter with it. If it had gone at a higher speed it could have put a hole in the case or bell housing.


          • #6
            got the letter off the insurers today informing me that its a write off so that solves the noise issue! once i get paid out i will be on the look out for another, a gen 3 tho this time! Thanks for your help tho with the above, much appreciated


            • #7
              3rd Gen

              I have a 3rd gen for sale & am in West Yorks. To be advertised on here soon.


              • #8
                Can u give me a ring some time....01947 601777, cheers


                • #9
                  Tried ringing this aft Ian but no reply....can u email me some pics & details over of ur surf as I am looking for another



