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Yet another 2.4 overheating thread - From the Bahamas.

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  • Yet another 2.4 overheating thread - From the Bahamas.

    Hello all -

    Greetings from Eleuthera, The Bahamas.
    I have a 1991 LN130 2.4 Auto which has served me well for six years until it overheated and cracked the head. The head has been replaced (not with the a modified one), the radiator re-cored, the water pump changed, the thermostat changed, and the rad cap replaced. I have also read just about every overheating thread on this forum!

    I am still having overheating problems (not cooked yet) and they seem pretty strange. If the engine is idling the temp stays low. If I drive the car gently, at 20-30 mph the temp stays low, if I put my foot down at all then she heats up, but as soon as I throttle back to idle, she starts to cool down again.

    The last thing I have to service/change is the viscus coupling on the fan itself - I have the standard oil to service the clutch with I read somewhere that a thicker oil might be better for the warmer climate down here - does anyone have thoughts on that, or the specs for this oil might be?

    Servicing the fan clutch is my last ditch attempt at a fix, and then I am out of ideas of what the problem might be. Does anyone else out there have any more ideas?

    A new truck is not an option as import duty has just been pushed up to 85%....



  • #2
    If this has been like it since you had the head done, It very much sounds like its not been bled properly and has air in it still.
    Possibly viscous fan or new rad is not working correctly.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      I'd burp the system and do the viscous coupling silicone oil, it virtually disappears in there, you can get different grades of the silicone oil from remote control model shops and online dealers, I'd do this before you use the truck again as I do think it plays a big part in overheating these motors. H


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies folks - does anyone know what type of oil I should change to for hotter climates? The standard is 3000 cst which I have already - should I be trying something different do you think?


        • #5

          try this thread, the search function at the top brings up relevant posts. H

