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3vze 3l petrol

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  • 3vze 3l petrol

    hi everyone, i have a 3vze petrol driven 2 door 4runner, i have just rebuilt the engine, new piston etc etc ... however having problems with the running of it, or more to the point, the power from it, mechanically i am pretty sure all is good, it seems to be electronic/electrical. is there any one out there that has experience of these and the setting up of them (especially the TPS)

  • #2
    Have you checked the fault codes? The vacuum piping on thses motors is amazing, double check every pipe. Especially the EGR piping.

    There is a thread on here I posted ages ago about the AFM wiper contact jumping its stop then not moving after a intake backfire, check this too.

    I assume the timing belt is ok and everything lines up?

    Is it running badly, smoking/missing, or just gutless?
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      I agree with Tony (he is nearly always right)
      ERG first, disconnect the vacume hose and put your finger over it. That is it, stick a screw in the end of that does fix the problem (well its not sorted interms of being how toyota designed it but it works perfectly)
      I would also suggest checking the plugs, leads and distributor (personal choice but trust me its worth paying the full wack is stick to toyota parts for these after market ones never work well)


      • #4
        petrol 3vze

        thanks, will be checking the vacuum pipes this evening.... we have discovered problems, the main one being the knock sensor cable, i fixed this and it seems to have better power now, it also threw up a code 12, but that was my fault, forgetting to connect the connector when trying to start it, have disconnected the battery to hopefully cancel the fault..... will let you know how i get on after checking vaccum pipes, or what my next fault is going to be .... i await that one with trepidation


        • #5
          If you need any reference piccies of a 3VZE let me know and I'll pop my head under the bonnet and take some.


          • #6
            hi thanks for the offer, i may have to take you up on that .... ok, went through the vac pipes, re-done the timing, had it running it seemed okay. timed it up to 10 degrees, it stayed running but very low tick over .... whilr revving it at 2500revs, it missed and backfired then died. it wouldn't start again, after checking we found that there was no spark coming out of the dist cap, but there was one going in ...... its a new dist cap...... can anyone help me


            • #7
              Originally posted by pendigi View Post
              hi thanks for the offer, i may have to take you up on that .... ok, went through the vac pipes, re-done the timing, had it running it seemed okay. timed it up to 10 degrees, it stayed running but very low tick over .... whilr revving it at 2500revs, it missed and backfired then died. it wouldn't start again, after checking we found that there was no spark coming out of the dist cap, but there was one going in ...... its a new dist cap...... can anyone help me
              Either replace both the cap and rotor arm (if fitted) with genuine ones if you can. It could be a dodgy cap or rotor. it would be my first call if there is a spark in but not out.


              • #8

                cap and rotor arm are new, i did have my doubts about the cap though, but on further investigation i found out how to check the distributor pickups, it is these that get a signal from the ECU and tell the dist to spark, have checked these 2 out of the 3 appear to be faulty, i guess that is going to be a main dealer option only ..... am i the only one that has all this trouble???? as a side issue, is anyone out there breaking one of these models, also does anyone else have a 2 door version, i havent seen another one around.

