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door seals

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  • door seals

    hi all, used my 3rd gen saturday for some deepish wading and all of the door rubbers let water in whilst the two 2nd gen vehicles behind me stayed totally dry, has anyone else experienced this and is the cure new doorseals or are they just crap?. If i do need new seals where would be the best place- i am guessing that its a main dealer part only not roughtrax ect?. good fun though!

  • #2
    Don't know if this is of any help, but as an ex green oval driver of many years, the trick with the Landrovers was to inject silicone sealant into the door seals. I've not waded my Gen 2 quite that deep yet to know if the same is required on the Surf, but it worked a treat on every LR I've had.

    If at first you don't succeed,
    Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


    • #3
      so do you fill em up then shut the door and let it go off over a period of time[a day or so]? i was thinking along the same lines but cant think of something that would stay "soft", any help would be great as i am going to wales snorkeled up and expecting some water!
      ps toyota can supply new at a cost of £316+vat or i can buy some on a reel from a classic car supplier-cost unkown so far.
      thanks for any help, kirk.


      • #4
        Hi Kirk,

        I've no idea if the same procedure I've used on LR's in the past would apply to the Surf so a bit of trial and error may be needed.

        The general idea was to coat the inside of the seal with silicon before letting it set with the doors open. I wouldn't suggest filling the seal completely as that could be a little too much and may prevent the door from closing once set. I recall cutting small slots in the seal about every 18 inches or so before injecting enough silicon in both directions at each slot to plump up the seal, then I spread the silicon around inside the seal by hand.

        Quite a time consuming job really, but as I said earlier, it's never failed to do the trick for me on LR's, which tend to come with doors that don't quite fit the hole they're meant to fill.

        If at first you don't succeed,
        Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


        • #5
          no need to cut as there are handy holes every so often so getting it in shouldnt be a problem, might try with one this weekend! thanks for your reply, kirk.


          • #6
            classic suppliers have different sized seals and profiles.

            my gt40 leaked like a t-bag every time it rained. i just bought seals with a slightly bigger profile to get a tighter seal - no more leaks and its fairly cheap to buy.


            • #7


              • #8
                thanks for the reply chaps, i have been obsessed with door seals since my dunking and have found that on nearly all the cars i have looked at that the seals are a lot harder compared to mine, also it looks like mine have leaked next to the holes that are in the seals, i will look at my mates 2nd gen this week to compare them!

