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Front bearing problem

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  • Front bearing problem

    Anyone that points out spelling mitsakes and/or grammotical errors will be up before the Headmaster first thing Monday morning !!!!!

    Gen 2 ssrx 3.0l td.

    Ever since I bought the old girl three years ago there has been an annoying "rattle" from somewhere near the front wheels.At times it sounded like a bunch of keys fastened loosely to the back of the front bumper

    On smooth roads everything is ok,but as soon as you hit even a slight bump or a bit of uneven road it rattles like a bag of spanners.

    I have taken most things off,tightened whatever was left and replaced anything that looked a bit iffy.

    I regreased the front wheel bearings yesterday and noticed some play between the splined shaft of the cv joint and the "bearing tube" it runs through.Both ends of the cv joint could be seen to move slightly,although when assembled the outer end is held in place by the end cap and six nuts and washers.

    There appears to be a bronze bush of some sort,just behind the circlip about an inch from the end of the splines

    The nice man at Toyota tells me that this bearing is available in three sizes,thus making the end float of the splined shaft somewhat adjustable.
    There is no info via Toyota about the inner bearing,its a similiar shape but slightly different in dimensions.It isnt shown on their diagrams as being present ????

    Both bearings are shown on the Roughtrax website,it doesnt look too hard a job to do,but has anyone out there done this job,and more to the point did it cure the problem,I cant just turn the radio up as someone suggested. Thanks in advance,Alan

  • #2
    It's not a bearing, just a spacer. They are available in 1.8, 2 and 2.5mm.You may have excess endfloat in drive shafts.

    The drive shaft has a spacer and snap ring. Replace the bolt and washer and pulling on the washer measure the gap between spacer and snap ring.This should be no more than 1mm. Normal endfloat is between 0.075 and 0.690mm. If more measure the thickness of spacer. If this is 2.25mm the there may be wear in steering knuckle bushes. If spacer is less than 1.8mm then a thicker(2.25mm) replacement spacer may fix the excess endfloat.



    • #3
      Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post
      Anyone that points out spelling mitsakes and/or grammotical errors will be up before the Headmaster first thing Monday morning !!!!!

      Mistakes and Grammatical are words spelled incorrectly in your first paragraph. More than one exclamation mark is superfluous.

      If you're going to be a smart arse, ffs; do it right.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Ta for that,makes it clearer,any ideas why Roughtrax show an inner one as well ??, Alan


        • #5
          In reply to your query; what Nev said.

          If you want to change the bushes, it's a simple job, and worthwhile if the noise annoys you.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post
            any ideas why Roughtrax show an inner one as well ??, Alan
            Because there are 2 bushes; one inner and one outer.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #7
              Thank you one and all,off to the flea pit now,cant take all this jollity at this time of night,!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Are we talking about 41309H?


                Or 43211?


                Ahh found it:


                Last edited by Ploddit; 26 March 2011, 08:43.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ploddit View Post
                  That's it.


