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4x4 vacuum solenoids

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  • 4x4 vacuum solenoids

    Hi all need some advice and maybe a part too. Had issues with the 4x4 read back through pages of threads and used the advice given i have boiled the problem to the vacuum solenoids in the wing. They are blue and brown both have a vacuum to them and when i press get a feed. swapped pipes around and 4x4 worked had truck raised so i could comfirm this! My question is 2 fold 1st has any one got a spare blue solenoid they can part with and in the mean time what harm or damage will insue from leaving the pipes swapped i can only imagine one solenoid acts on the engage and the other on the disengage. All help much appreciated. cheers

  • #2
    No harm in swapping them around.

    I think I have some unwanted 4WD solenoids in the garage, you can have them for whatever postage will be.

    I'll have a look in the morning and reply back here, got to babysit at the moment.


    • #3
      Well the fault seems to have cured its self. I did however spray some electrical cleaner into both ends of the solenoid vacuum ports left it 24hrs and it is now working as it should. Thanks for the assistance. Just need to find some green lanes locally to try it out my new tyres and lift kit

