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Door Problem- any takers?..lol

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  • Door Problem- any takers?..lol

    A christmas conumdrum - (spelling - see me).... Rear off side passenger door has child lock activated - the outside door handle has become disconnected from the lock - so now the door is closed and unable to open using the outside or inside handles...
    Question - anyone any ideas on how to open the door without using the large disc saw in the garage?

    Any help or comments welcome - thanks for reading!

  • #2
    never had this problem myself but i would guess at removing the door card to get too the interals,sure someone will have a better idea


    • #3
      Take your door card off, if you can, and access the mechanism from the inside. Can't think of another way...
      "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


      • #4
        Gonna be a tricky one....but thanks - it beats the Disc saw idea....well so far anyways lol!!


        • #5

          Once again many thanks - as a 'tech ' note I have solved the problem!
          I was unable to remove the door card as the door was shut and thus the card was 'trapped' inside the door and frame.
          1st off I tried a lifter from the outside between the door trim and glass down inside the door- like the RAC use to open doors when keys are locked in the vehicle - that failed as the door was still child locked from the inside.
          2nd I tried the lifter from the inside of the vehicle between the glass and door trim - that failed because the child lock was still engaged - again the door is now locked from the inside and as the control rod for the outside handle had become disconnected from the outside it would still not activate the door lock.
          so the solution?... I measured the location of the child lock switch from the opposite door and transferred the measurement to the still locked door using the trim as a guide - this gave me the almost precise location of the 'hidden' and apparently inaccessable child lock switch.
          Using a very thin piece of metal (the end of the door lock lifter)From the inside of the vehicle I inserted it between the edge of the door and the wheel arch. Gently and repeatedly I moved the piece of metal in an upward direction - each time removing the metal end then re inserting it for another upward motion so as not to move the child lock into the down position - after about 6 moves upwards the child lock switch was caught by the end of the metal and moved into the UP and OFF positon -Presto! the door opened from the inside door handle .
          Anyone reading this may think its a long winded explanation but it worked a treat and what seemed an unsolveable problem was done in a jiffy ( love that word).
          All the best for the new year.

