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Odd noise when pulling away.

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  • Odd noise when pulling away.

    Hey guys.
    During the cold snap we had last week my 1993 3.0L TD 4runner started making a horrible juddering noise occasionally, mostly when pulling off and when it was in too high a gear (wonders of teaching people to drive).

    It sounded metallic and my attempt at onomatopaei would be a duggaduggadugga kinda noise, pretty apocalyptic I have to say. As far as I could tell it was coming from the engine bay, but my attempts to pinpoint it were foiled as we couldn't replicate it when we stopped and got out.

    Any ideas what it might be?

    Sorry if this is an oft answered question, a search for duggaduggadugga didn't bring up much!


    - Sam

  • #2
    could just be the engine tryin not to stall at such low revs....i assume its a manual box.


    • #3
      It's definitely not a normal noise, it's a very defined metallic sound that makes you think something god-awful's gonna happen.

      I've been a bit scared to drive it the past couple of days, but I'm setting off on a month long trip around morocco on Tuesday! So I need to at least know what I'm dealing with!

      The only thing that's been done to her recently is a new clutch, so I'm wondering if the chap who fitted it didn't realign the gearbox properly when he put her back together...

      No idea really... Any suggestions?

