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  • vibration

    Have Had vibration through the steering wheel for 2 weeks, and have got it down to the front drivers side CV joint moving about, plus some oil is leaking.went to my local garage and he was in agreement, with that much movement will it shag the Diff or is that goosed as well?? plus the bombshell
    £1500 for the work?? possibly splitting the diff.

  • #2
    Just get a decent 2nd hand diff for about £120 delivered Nick and fit it yourself.You'll save plenty of dosh if you do it this way.I would try a replacement drive shaft first and then go from there if the cv is going


    • #3
      What do you mean by CV moving about? if its the short side, and the movement and oil leak is where it does into the diff then the bush is replacable and should only take an hour or so

      £1500? thats a joke, let me know if you want a alternative opinion or quote. even if we replace the diff and shafts I would charge more that £150 labour, and that would be if it took all day, which it won't.

      I'd be tempted to take the drive plates off the hub and try it again, if it still vibes then you can rule out the diff and shafts, its a easy way of avoiding you spending lots of money.

      Are you sure its not the wheel balencing, TRE's or simular.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Do not have that much time to myself Rich, thats the problem, Its was the worst case scenario, but the way the CV moves, its more up and down and more than normal, plus there is a slight leak? But I really cant see it being an major diff problem


        • #5
          I would say to take a diff out and fit another is about 4-5 hours work max.The hardest part i find is getting the drive shafts un-done to remove the diff


          • #6
            this has all been checked, it only vibrates through the wheel at low speeds
            even coasted down in neutral to low speed and still vibrates.


            • #7
              ok, that cool, just checking, seeing as it was such a wild quote. So it didn't vibrate with shafts removed or the drive plates disconnected.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                sorry Tony , I didnt disconnect the shafts ? just trying to see if I was in neutral coasting down to low speeds would make a difference! surely if the the diff is shagged it would vibrate all the time?? it vibrates the same when I am in 4wd , no less no more. the chap is having a look next weds, but in the meantime can i still drive it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nkerridge View Post
                  sorry Tony , I didnt disconnect the shafts ? just trying to see if I was in neutral coasting down to low speeds would make a difference! surely if the the diff is shagged it would vibrate all the time?? it vibrates the same when I am in 4wd , no less no more. the chap is having a look next weds, but in the meantime can i still drive it!
                  Sorry, didn't want to confuse you. lol

                  In a nutshell for future reference.

                  If the diff was shagged you might not notice it in 2wd, as there is no load going in the diff from the gearbox, and only the spider gears will be rotating, and only coasting from the short side as the ADD disconnects the other side.

                  But both drive shafts will still rotate.

                  Taking off the driveplates off stops the driveshafts going round, if the CV's were shagged the vibes will stop as its not spinning and catching on the broken bit. (unless the bronze bushes in hub are completely shagged, then it might drag and turn, so sometimes need to take them out to double check)

                  Play where the drivers side driveshaft goes into the diff is normal, only needs the bush changing if its leaking oil from the diff.

                  Its far cheaper and easier to get a used diff if there is anything internally wrong, so its not normally worth entertaining any ideas or rebuilding it, especially if your paying someone to do it.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Thanks tony
                    I will see how it goes next week ? if its bad i will contact Rich and see if he has one going ?? Is it ok to drive it!!


                    • #11
                      I sold the only 3.0l diff last week.I am sure Rob(wishbone) has a front diff though as he offered one to Solent Surfer last week but he was sorted already.
                      Give Rob a shout Nick and ask if he can hold onto it for you just incase as they are like rocking horse shit to get at the moment


                      • #12
                        if it feels ok, I'd say so, just be ready in case it gets worse. The guy who looked at didn't mention anything bad about to happen did he?

                        I took the driveshaft out of my truck when looking for a diff and just used it. Taking the driveplates out would have the same effect and easier, but you could get crap in the bearings if you use it lots or in the rain. Would be ok for local use.
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

