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slight thump when stoping quick

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  • slight thump when stoping quick

    I have just read a post on an ausi.site and it may have some relevance here.
    It's about a thumping noise from the rear or the car when stopping hard.
    this was found to be caused by too much grease in the tailshaft of the prop.causing it not to retract as the weight of the rear comes back down.
    don't know how to do links but it's at :


    hope this may help someone

  • #2
    That's very interesting.

    I have been experiencing the same kind of 'thumping' noise which only tends to happen when breaking heavy. Was at first thinking it was something serious but have been unable to find anything loose underneath.

    The Surf's in for an MOT next week and was expecting them to find something I missed like loose suspension or worse.

    It looks like you may have discovered the problem.
    One day my paranoia will go away!


    • #3
      Funny you should bring this up sparky. I've been thinking for a while that I'd put too much grease in and that I needed to get some out. Wasn't quite sure how I was going to go about it though. I ended up have a quick bash at it a couple of days ago just by removing the nipple and jumping on the back step with my dad. Not much came out but it has certainly improved the ride - not so harsh now. Still need to get some more out and also check the slip yoke on the front driveshaft.


