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New Owner, may need a little help guys..

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  • New Owner, may need a little help guys..

    Hi all, Ive been reading all the threads for a while now since a mate bought his surf. After much debating I finally took the plunge and bought my own 1993 2.4 SSRX. Perhaps a mistake or maybe an Ebay bargain, time will tell.

    It seems like it has to rev very high to get anywhere, I've tried the ECT and the O/D and these work but still the surf needs lots of revs to get moving. Is this a gearbox fault? Have I bought a bag of trouble?

    Help would be apreciated, I'm considering putting it back on ebay!!!
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hi matey

    not sure if this is similar but a few months back i had a prob with mine. putting the car in D saw lots of revs for very little return. Was fine in L, 2 and R, but D was a waste of time.

    I was going to do the diagnostic thing shorting out E1 and TE1(Check !!) on the OBD socket in the engine bay. Long and short of it, I never completed the test but just shorting those terminals got D back to normal.

    Gotta love the surf
    And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear, millions of mischiefs


    • #3
      Thanks Rainmaker,

      will look into that, I'm a little scared of electrics so will have to get reading. I plucked up the courage to change the ATF fluid but that hasn't made a difference, the old stuff was pretty poor so it was worthwhile doing.

      Another problem, which Could also be a factor to its performance is a diesel leak i get on startup, it cures when the engine is warm and i cant tell where its coming from!!! Didn't suspect it as part of the problem as the engine still revs but having had imports before anything is blinking possible!!

      I gotta say though, I was expecting to do some work on it and from some of the posts I have read on here I feel confident enough to tackle anything on the beast (I hope I haven't just cursed myself)

      I'll be putting some pics on as soon as I work out how to use the site


      • #4
        give the truck a ruddy good service.oil and filters.Any idea when the service was last done.
        When you do the service before refitting the new fuel filter fill it with atf and then once fitted pump the primer and then fire the truck up.Take it out for a good hard drive with O/D and ECT off.
        You need to get the fuel leak sorted tho as it could be sucking in air causing the problem


        • #5
          Thanks Stormforce, I havent had time to do any more yet but i will try what you suggest. There is no service history with it so no idea whats been done. Its only done 140k (km) and seems like its had light use, however it only takes an idiot with a spanner and you end up with a bag of trouble!!

          Still not got round to taking those pics yet, does anyone know how to upload them?

