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Handbreak troubles

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  • Handbreak troubles

    Hi All

    I work on a landfill site , and the place is covered in clay , due to all the rain we have had it's a nightmare up there ! the ground is like porridge, obviously the handbreak doesn't like it ! yesterday pulled handbreak lever ,and it came forward easily ,without the normal ratchet sound ,pushed lever back in but break light was still on ,managed to push it in further ,and light went off, but vehicle felt heavy when pulling off , breaks were still on ! It seemed ok when i came out of 4 wheel drive ,got home , and noticed a burning smell ,obviously the breaks were still on. I jet wash vehicle every night but can never get underneath ,so i'm presuming it's a build up of clay , the stuff is deadly when it dries it goes like concrete ! Any ideas on how to fix plus how to prevent it from occurring again ?

    Any tips/ideas much appreciated .
    All the best Chris.