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missing overdrive?

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  • missing overdrive?

    hello all.
    hoping someone may recognise this problem and be able to point me in the right direction.
    (surf 3.0L. 2nd gen).
    auto box started to change down early as if overdrive button de activated.
    increasingly reluctant to change up. in the end it didn't.
    found that whilst driving at 50/55mph at 2500 waiting for overdrive to arrive
    if i engaged ECT button it dropped in straight away.
    (had to leave it engaged or it dropped out again).
    this effect has now faded away too.
    (mechanic friend recommended adjusting cable next to throttle cable on engine. this seems to only govern kick down?)
    g.box fluid level is o.k. (though hands up, i didn't realise level had to be taken with engine running, for a few months. oops.)
    checked all g.box electrical connections were in good condition.
    (could be coincidence but it worked o.k. after this for several hours).
    i tow a trailer quite often.
    any suggestions, (including competitively priced manual gearbox's),
    would really be appreciated.



  • #2
    Hi, KZN130 ECU will hold off overdrive until engine has warmed up to protect the auto-box, as measured by water temperature sensor on engine. Check sensor plug and wiring first. However, they do seem to show this set of symptoms when ECU (combined engine/auto box) is starting to show its age. My feeling is that it will be electronic sensor/control issue rather than a mechanical failure. Do you know anyone local who can lend you a 3.0 TD ECU? (My gut feeling on this one)


    • #3
      I have sold several ecu's to people with this same fault and as soon as the replacement has been fitted the truck has run perfect.Unfortunately i have just sold the last 3.0l ecu yesterday.They are like rocking horse shite to get hold off.If you manage to get one then make sure its been tested before buying it.I test all the 3.0l ecu's in my own truck before selling to make sure they are ok.Its a lot of money to spend out on to find it don't work


      • #4
        missing overdrive?

        thanks for your thoughts on this.
        i'll check the two sensors (engine temp and speed) and currently un-suspecting local friend with same surf re ECU loan to see if its that.
        i'm afraid i don't know where my ECU is located. (are there any steps i should know about in swapping to avoid risk of toasting friends one in the process?).

        can anyone recommend a source for a good workshop manual? (i have an old haynes one that came with it)
        i saw two on the internet somewhere, one for engine one for body, but i can't now remember where.




        • #5
          the ecu is located in the passenger side footwell behind the kick panel.I have tested several ecu's in my own truck and never had a problem.
          The ecu i sold i might be getting it back yet as the truck it was for was a 3rdgen and the ecu is for a 2nd gen.If i get it back then it will be up for grabs again.
          Easy to swap over in 5 mins


          • #6
            Ecu . .

            thanks for info stormforce.
            will test with friends ECU a.s.a.p. to verify mine is the problem.
            if sold ECU is coming back to you, can you let me know.
            wasn't on my shopping list a week ago, but things change . . .
            e-mail lurkalot007@yahoo.co.uk / text to 0033 (0)664 425 996




            • #7
              Spare ECU

              Hi, my overdrive just stopped engaging today driving back from Exeter in my trusty KZN130 93 "veggie". Looking thru the forums, I think the ECU is the likely culprit. Do you have any spare KZN130 ECU's you wish to part with? I'll check the various other possiblilities during daylight hours first but would be nice to know if there's an ECU with my name on it somewhere! Mike


              • #8
                Hi Mike.I have a ecu in the truck i have just bought.I am going to try and get this truck running again if i can but if not then the ecu will be up for grabs unles you can get one in the meantime


                • #9
                  Overdrive not working/ECT seemingly engaged aswell.

                  Hi Surfers, further to my KZN130 having no overdrive function, the Surf drives as if I've got the ECT button in as the revs climb high before changing to the next gear (button aint depressed & no light on dash bottom far right).
                  I've read somewhere that fuel restriction can affect gear changing in auto boxes? I have about 3 weeks ago started mixing new ASDA veg oil in my Surf and was possibly thinking that slight fuel starvation might be why it's having an effect on the running. I'll change the fuel filter anyway (that easy five minute job that takes 2 hours & a machine shop!) but was wondering if any other veggies have had the revs/odrive issue.
                  I'll still have an ECU of you Stormforce if you've got one, slap my name on it please.


                  • #10
                    re - missing overdrive

                    just so people can maybe benefit from my own experience.
                    with the advice i received here,
                    i tested my 2nd gen 3L auto with friends ECU to see if that was the cause of my missing overdrive.
                    (ECU located by passengers left foot on inside of door pillar. saw this had been 'visited' before as missing fixings etc. interesting . . . .)
                    with borrowed ECU it ran just fine.
                    bought a second hand one, plugged it in, perfect.
                    if i'd got on with it sooner the fuel savings would easily have paid for the ECU.

                    many thanks for the help


                    p.s. if anyone hasn't tried rain-x, they might like it . . .


                    • #11
                      Missing overdrive sorted

                      Thanks for those who pointed me in the right direction, it was a dogdy ECU that wouldn't let the overdrive engage (and simulated the ECT button being pressed in when it wasn't). I got 2nd hand replacement ECU of fleabay but would like to get my old one checked/reconditioned.
                      Anyone ever tried http://www.the-ecu-doctor.co.uk/ ????


                      • #12
                        They fixed mine sent it back within the week.
                        Not cheap mind.
                        Remember arrows are silent.....................
                        Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


                        • #13
                          Is the ECU specific for the 2.4 and the 3.0? I think the truck I want to buy has this problem, it's a 3.0 and the only ECUs on ebay are 2.4's. Would they work?
                          Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by J i m s t e r View Post
                            Is the ECU specific for the 2.4 and the 3.0? I think the truck I want to buy has this problem, it's a 3.0 and the only ECUs on ebay are 2.4's. Would they work?
                            No the 3.0l ecus are different to the 2.4's.
                            There has been several 3.0l's with this same issue and its come down to the ecu not operating correctly.
                            Last edited by stormforce; 4 February 2010, 16:13.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                              No the 3.0l ecus are different to the 2.4's.
                              Have pm'd you matey.
                              Last edited by J i m s t e r; 4 February 2010, 16:10.
                              Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™

