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  • #16
    Fixed, turned out to be a brackage in the fuel pump. The warranty company said they will pay for it but want proof of servicing. Thing is the place a bought it gave me 2 years free servicing with it suppossedly but then closed dwn and moved away so I just serviced it my self without really thinking about the warranty. Looks like that is going to cost me big time now. DOH


    • #17

      Hi Guys,

      My Surf seems to have developed a similar vibration problem today. On acceleration past 2000 rpm I can feel a vibration through the body but, push it up to 3000 rpm and it smooths out. I know it's not wheels / drivetrain etc as if I take my foot of the go pedal enough to drop the engine revs without losing too much speed, the vibration disappears, which suggests it's engine related.

      I renewed the oil in the viscous fan clutch last weekend and, apart from doing about 10 miles on a test run afterwards, I haven't driven the car. I didn't notice any vibration when I did the test run but it showed up today when running on a dual carriageway and motorway, but only between 2-3K revs. It's never done anything like it before, although I do think it sound very "tappity" on tickover, but that's probably because this is the first diesel I've owned / driven.

      I have recently changed the oil, air and fuel filters, renewed the engine oil and also greased the propshaft UJ's as they were knocking whilst we were down in Bridport. Other than taking off and repairing the fan, nothing else has been done recently.

      So, anyone had anything similar happen or have any idea what it might be?
      Mike G

